Youstars is a better frontend for YouTube pages.
Youstars is a Rails 4 app. You must use it with Ruby 2.0 with the latest available patch level.
Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:devilshaircut/youstars.git
Bundle Install/Create Database
cd path/to/youstars
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate
Set up Pow
cd ~/.pow
ln -s ~/path/to/youstars
Go to and you should be good to go.
To oAuth a Google/YouTube account, you actually have to be running on localhost. You can't do that with pow. It's simple, though. Just run the standard rails server:
rails s
Which should default you to localhost:3000. You have to be using the localhost:3000 server for this to work (Google OA2 Restriction). Alternatively, if you're using apache or something, just configure appropriately. But rails s
is the easiest way by far.