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rustic 0.4.0

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@aawsome aawsome released this 23 Nov 14:03
· 1039 commits to main since this release

rustic 0.4.0 is released!

The biggest change in this release is the change from async Rust back to sync Rust. This allowed some code simplifications and will allow easier implementation of some future features.
Also, efficient parallelization can be more easily done using threads and the well-known parallelization crates.

Changes in version 0.4.0:

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a bug in the CI which sometimes made building beta executables fail.

New features:

  • Snapshots now allow to use a label, to add a description and save the program version used.
  • diff: diff can now compare snapshots with local dirs.
  • backup: Added option --as-path.
  • backup: Allow to use and save relative paths.
  • backup: Added option --ignore-devid.
  • backup: Now uses more parallelization.
  • prune: Repacking is now parallel.
  • New commands repair index/snapshots.
  • Better support for using latest as snapshot.
  • UI/progress bars: Added support for env variable RUSTIC_PROGRESS_INTERVALL.
  • Simplified the code in some places.

Changes under the hood:

  • rustic no longer uses async Rust.
  • Replaced prettytables by comfytable. (Thanks @JMarkin)