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Rollup of 10 pull requests #80061

wants to merge 31 commits into from


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CDirkx and others added 30 commits November 7, 2020 16:15
Refactor `get_first_two_components` to `get_next_component`.

Fixes the following behaviour of `parse_prefix`:
 - series of separator bytes in a prefix are correctly parsed as a single separator
 - device namespace prefixes correctly recognize both `\\` and `/` as separators
gsgdt [] is a crate which provides an
interface for stringly typed graphs. It also provides generation of
graphviz dot format from said graph.
Move intrinsics lowering pass from the optimization phase (where it
would not run if -Zmir-opt-level=0), to the drop lowering phase where it
runs unconditionally.

The implementation of those intrinsics in code generation and
interpreter is unnecessary. Remove it.
make MIR graphviz generation use gsgdt

gsgdt [] is a crate which provides an
interface for stringly typed graphs. It also provides generation of
graphviz dot format from said graph.

This is the first in a series of PRs on moving graphviz code out of rustc into normal crates and then implementating graph diffing on top of these crates.

r? `@oli-obk`
Refactor and fix `parse_prefix` on Windows

This PR is an extension of rust-lang#78692 as well as a general refactor of `parse_prefix`:

There are two errors in the current implementation of `parse_prefix`:

Firstly, in the current implementation only `\` is recognized as a separator character in device namespace prefixes. This behavior is only correct for verbatim paths; `"\\.\C:/foo"` should be parsed as `"C:"` instead of `"C:/foo"`.

Secondly, the current implementation only handles single separator characters. In non-verbatim paths a series of separator characters should be recognized as a single boundary, e.g. the UNC path `"\\localhost\\\\\\C$\foo"` should be parsed as `"\\localhost\\\\\\C$"` and then `UNC(server: "localhost", share: "C$")`, but currently it is not parsed at all, because it starts being parsed as `\\localhost\` and then has an invalid empty share location.

Paths like `"\\.\C:/foo"` and `"\\localhost\\\\\\C$\foo"` are valid on Windows, they are equivalent to just `"C:\foo"`.

All uses of `&[u8]` within `parse_prefix` are extracted to helper functions and`&OsStr` is used instead. This reduces the number of places unsafe is used:
- `get_first_two_components` is adapted to the more general `parse_next_component` and used in more places
- code for parsing drive prefixes is extracted to `parse_drive`
Remove memoization leftovers from constant evaluation machine

Closes rust-lang#79667

Move binder for dyn to each list item

This essentially changes `ty::Binder<&'tcx List<ExistentialTraitRef>>` to `&'tcx List<ty::Binder<ExistentialTraitRef>>`.

This is a first step in moving the `dyn Trait` representation closer to Chalk, which we've talked about in `@rust-lang/wg-traits.`

r? `@nikomatsakis`
…on-panic, r=dtolnay

Fix overflow when converting ZST Vec to VecDeque

let v = vec![(); 100];
let queue = VecDeque::from(v);
println!("{:?}", queue);
This code will currently panic with a capacity overflow.
This PR resolves this issue and makes the code run fine.

Resolves rust-lang#78532

BTreeMap: more expressive local variables in merge

r? `@Mark-Simulacrum`

BTreeSet: simplify implementation of pop_first/pop_last

…and stop it interfering in rust-lang#79245.
r? `@Mark-Simulacrum`

expand-yaml-anchors: Make the output directory separator-insensitive

Fixes rust-lang#75709

Always run intrinsics lowering pass

Move intrinsics lowering pass from the optimization phase (where it
would not run if -Zmir-opt-level=0), to the drop lowering phase where it
runs unconditionally.

The implementation of those intrinsics in code generation and
interpreter is unnecessary. Remove it.
@rustbot rustbot added the rollup A PR which is a rollup label Dec 15, 2020
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The job x86_64-gnu-llvm-9 of your PR failed (pretty log, raw log). Through arcane magic we have determined that the following fragments from the build log may contain information about the problem.

Click to expand the log.
[command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.' || :
[command]/usr/bin/git config --local http. AUTHORIZATION: basic ***
##[group]Fetching the repository
[command]/usr/bin/git -c protocol.version=2 fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=2 origin +d9dfb86d9655b5aca9a7fb4e9dcf5f41dcfff93b:refs/remotes/pull/80061/merge
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Check compiletest suite=mir-opt mode=mir-opt (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

running 151 tests
.................................i........................................i......................... 100/151
Some tests failed in compiletest suite=mir-opt mode=mir-opt host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

---- [mir-opt] mir-opt/ stdout ----
120       bb5: {
120       bb5: {
121           return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 73:2
+       bb6 (cleanup): {
+           resume;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 73:2
123   }

thread '[mir-opt] mir-opt/' panicked at 'Actual MIR output differs from expected MIR output /checkout/src/test/mir-opt/lower_intrinsics.discriminant.LowerIntrinsics.diff', src/tools/compiletest/src/

    [mir-opt] mir-opt/
    [mir-opt] mir-opt/

test result: FAILED. 147 passed; 1 failed; 3 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 5.42s

command did not execute successfully: "/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0-tools-bin/compiletest" "--compile-lib-path" "/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib" "--run-lib-path" "/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib" "--rustc-path" "/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc" "--src-base" "/checkout/src/test/mir-opt" "--build-base" "/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/test/mir-opt" "--stage-id" "stage2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "--suite" "mir-opt" "--mode" "mir-opt" "--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "--host" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "--llvm-filecheck" "/usr/lib/llvm-9/bin/FileCheck" "--nodejs" "/usr/bin/node" "--host-rustcflags" "-Crpath -O -Cdebuginfo=0 -Zunstable-options  -Lnative=/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/native/rust-test-helpers" "--target-rustcflags" "-Crpath -O -Cdebuginfo=0 -Zunstable-options  -Lnative=/checkout/obj/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/native/rust-test-helpers" "--docck-python" "/usr/bin/python2.7" "--lldb-python" "/usr/bin/python2.7" "--gdb" "/usr/bin/gdb" "--quiet" "--llvm-version" "9.0.0" "--llvm-components" "aarch64 aarch64asmparser aarch64codegen aarch64desc aarch64disassembler aarch64info aarch64utils aggressiveinstcombine all all-targets amdgpu amdgpuasmparser amdgpucodegen amdgpudesc amdgpudisassembler amdgpuinfo amdgpuutils analysis arm armasmparser armcodegen armdesc armdisassembler arminfo armutils asmparser asmprinter avr avrasmparser avrcodegen avrdesc avrdisassembler avrinfo binaryformat bitreader bitstreamreader bitwriter bpf bpfasmparser bpfcodegen bpfdesc bpfdisassembler bpfinfo codegen core coroutines coverage debuginfocodeview debuginfodwarf debuginfogsym debuginfomsf debuginfopdb demangle dlltooldriver engine executionengine fuzzmutate globalisel hexagon hexagonasmparser hexagoncodegen hexagondesc hexagondisassembler hexagoninfo instcombine instrumentation interpreter ipo irreader jitlink lanai lanaiasmparser lanaicodegen lanaidesc lanaidisassembler lanaiinfo libdriver lineeditor linker lto mc mca mcdisassembler mcjit mcparser mips mipsasmparser mipscodegen mipsdesc mipsdisassembler mipsinfo mirparser msp430 msp430asmparser msp430codegen msp430desc msp430disassembler msp430info native nativecodegen nvptx nvptxcodegen nvptxdesc nvptxinfo objcarcopts object objectyaml option orcjit passes perfjitevents powerpc powerpcasmparser powerpccodegen powerpcdesc powerpcdisassembler powerpcinfo profiledata remarks riscv riscvasmparser riscvcodegen riscvdesc riscvdisassembler riscvinfo riscvutils runtimedyld scalaropts selectiondag sparc sparcasmparser sparccodegen sparcdesc sparcdisassembler sparcinfo support symbolize systemz systemzasmparser systemzcodegen systemzdesc systemzdisassembler systemzinfo tablegen target textapi transformutils vectorize webassembly webassemblyasmparser webassemblycodegen webassemblydesc webassemblydisassembler webassemblyinfo windowsmanifest x86 x86asmparser x86codegen x86desc x86disassembler x86info x86utils xcore xcorecodegen xcoredesc xcoredisassembler xcoreinfo xray" "--system-llvm" "--cc" "" "--cxx" "" "--cflags" "" "--adb-path" "adb" "--adb-test-dir" "/data/tmp/work" "--android-cross-path" "" "--color" "always"

failed to run: /checkout/obj/build/bootstrap/debug/bootstrap --stage 2 test --exclude src/tools/tidy
Build completed unsuccessfully in 0:16:19

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