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chore(deps): update rust dependencies related to winit and wgpu #13784



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@renovate renovate bot commented Oct 30, 2023

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
naga workspace.dependencies minor 0.13.0 -> 0.14.0
naga_oil workspace.dependencies minor 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
raw-window-handle dependencies minor 0.5.2 -> 0.6.0
wgpu (source) workspace.dependencies minor 0.17.1 -> 0.18.0
winit dependencies minor 0.28.7 -> 0.29.3

Release Notes

gfx-rs/naga (naga)


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This is the last naga release where naga is part of its own repo. Future releases will be renumbered and hosted as part of the wgpu repo. Please see for more information!

  • Disable Modf & Frexp and translate ModfStruct & FrexpStruct to their IR equivalents. (#​2527) @​teoxoy
  • Don't advertise support for Capability::ImageMSArray & Capability::InterpolationFunction. (#​2529) @​teoxoy
  • Fix OpImageQueries to allow Uints. (#​2404) @​evahop
rust-windowing/raw-window-handle (raw-window-handle)


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  • Breaking: Raw pointer handles now use NonNull where appropriate, to avoid null pointer dereferences.
  • Breaking: Renamed empty methods to new, and take parameters in most of those, to better match normal Rust semantics.
  • Breaking: HasRaw(Display/Window)Handle::raw_(display/window)_handle returns a result indicating if fetching the window handle failed (#​122).
  • Breaking: Remove the Active/ActiveHandle types from the public API (#​126).
  • Breaking: Remove AppKitWindowHandle::ns_window and UiKitWindowHandle::ui_window since they can be retrieved from the view (#​129).
  • Breaking: Remove Copy derive from RawWindowHandle and WindowHandle (#​140).
  • Implement PartialEq, Eq and Hash for WindowHandle too. (#​128)
  • Implement the relevant traits for &mut T where T: <trait>. (#​130)
  • Add web handles for wasm-bindgen v0.2. They are locked behind the wasm-bindgen-0-2 feature. (#​134)
  • Deprecate the raw window/display handle traits. They will be removed at the next stable release. (#​139)
gfx-rs/wgpu (wgpu)


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Desktop OpenGL 3.3+ Support on Windows

We now support OpenGL on Windows! This brings support for a vast majority of the hardware that used to be covered by our DX11 backend. As of this writing we support OpenGL 3.3+, though there are efforts to reduce that further.

This allows us to cover the last 12 years of Intel GPUs (starting with Ivy Bridge; aka 3xxx), and the last 16 years of AMD (starting with Terascale; aka HD 2000) / NVidia GPUs (starting with Tesla; aka GeForce 8xxx).

By @​Zoxc in #​4248

Timestamp Queries Supported on Metal and OpenGL

Timestamp queries are now supported on both Metal and Desktop OpenGL. On Apple chips on Metal, they only support timestamp queries in command buffers or in the renderpass descriptor,
they do not support them inside a pass.

Metal: By @​Wumpf in #​4008
OpenGL: By @​Zoxc in #​4267

Render/Compute Pass Query Writes

Addition of the TimestampWrites type to compute and render pass descriptors to allow profiling on tilers which do not support timestamps inside passes.

Added an example to demonstrate the various kinds of timestamps.

Additionally, metal now supports timestamp queries!

By @​FL33TW00D & @​wumpf in #​3636.

Occlusion Queries

We now support binary occlusion queries! This allows you to determine if any of the draw calls within the query drew any pixels.

Use the new occlusion_query_set field on RenderPassDescriptor to give a query set that occlusion queries will write to.

let mut rpass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
    // ...
+   occlusion_query_set: Some(&my_occlusion_query_set),

Within the renderpass do the following to write the occlusion query results to the query set at the given index:


These are binary occlusion queries, so the result will be either 0 or an unspecified non-zero value.

By @​Valaphee in #​3402

Shader Improvements
// WGSL constant expressions are now supported!
const BLAH: u32 = 1u + 1u;

// `rgb10a2uint` and `bgra8unorm` can now be used as a storage image format.
var image: texture_storage_2d<rgb10a2uint, write>;
var image: texture_storage_2d<bgra8unorm, write>;

// You can now use dual source blending!
struct FragmentOutput{
    @&#8203;location(0) source1: vec4<f32>,
    @&#8203;location(0) @&#8203;second_blend_source source2: vec4<f32>,

// `modf`/`frexp` now return structures
let result = modf(1.5);
result.fract == 0.5;
result.whole == 1.0;

let result = frexp(1.5);
result.fract == 0.75;
result.exponent == 2i;

// `modf`/`frexp` are currently disabled on GLSL and SPIR-V input.
Shader Validation Improvements
// Cannot get pointer to a workgroup variable
fn func(p: ptr<workgroup, u32>); // ERROR

// Cannot create Inf/NaN through constant expressions
const INF: f32 = 3.40282347e+38 + 1.0; // ERROR
const NAN: f32 = 0.0 / 0.0; // ERROR

// `outerProduct` function removed

// Error on repeated or missing `@workgroup_size()`
@&#8203;workgroup_size(1) @&#8203;workgroup_size(2) // ERROR
fn compute_main() {}

// Error on repeated attributes.
fn fragment_main(@&#8203;location(0) @&#8203;location(0) location_0: f32) // ERROR
RenderPass StoreOp is now Enumeration

wgpu::Operations::store used to be an underdocumented boolean value,
causing misunderstandings of the effect of setting it to false.

The API now more closely resembles WebGPU which distinguishes between store and discard,
see WebGPU spec on GPUStoreOp.

// ...
depth_ops: Some(wgpu::Operations {
    load: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear(1.0),
-   store: false,
+   store: wgpu::StoreOp::Discard,
// ...

By @​wumpf in #​4147

Instance Descriptor Settings

The instance descriptor grew two more fields: flags and gles_minor_version.

flags allow you to toggle the underlying api validation layers, debug information about shaders and objects in capture programs, and the ability to discard lables

gles_minor_version is a rather niche feature that allows you to force the GLES backend to use a specific minor version, this is useful to get ANGLE to enable more than GLES 3.0.

let instance = wgpu::Instance::new(InstanceDescriptor {
+   flags: wgpu::InstanceFlags::default()
+   gles_minor_version: wgpu::Gles3MinorVersion::Automatic,

gles_minor_version: By @​PJB3005 in #​3998
flags: By @​nical in #​4230

Many New Examples!
Revamped Testing Suite

Our testing harness was completely revamped and now automatically runs against all gpus in the system, shows the expected status of every test, and is tolerant to flakes.

Additionally, we have filled out our CI to now run the latest versions of WARP and Mesa. This means we can test even more features on CI than before.

By @​cwfitzgerald in #​3873

The GLES backend is now optional on macOS

The angle feature flag has to be set for the GLES backend to be enabled on Windows & macOS.

By @​teoxoy in #​4185

Added/New Features
  • Rename wgpu_hal::vulkan::Instance::required_extensions to desired_extensions. By @​jimblandy in #​4115
  • Don't bother calling vkFreeCommandBuffers when vkDestroyCommandPool will take care of that for us. By @​jimblandy in #​4059
Bug Fixes
  • Derive storage bindings via naga::StorageAccess instead of naga::GlobalUse. By @​teoxoy in #​3985.
  • Queue::on_submitted_work_done callbacks will now always be called after all previous BufferSlice::map_async callbacks, even when there are no active submissions. By @​cwfitzgerald in #​4036.
  • Fix clear texture views being leaked when wgpu::SurfaceTexture is dropped before it is presented. By @​rajveermalviya in #​4057.
  • Add Feature::SHADER_UNUSED_VERTEX_OUTPUT to allow unused vertex shader outputs. By @​Aaron1011 in #​4116.
  • Fix a panic in surface_configure. By @​nical in #​4220 and #​4227
  • Fix enabling wgpu::Features::PARTIALLY_BOUND_BINDING_ARRAY not being actually enabled in vulkan backend. By @​39ali in#​3772.
  • Don't pass vk::InstanceCreateFlags::ENUMERATE_PORTABILITY_KHR unless the VK_KHR_portability_enumeration extension is available. By @​jimblandy in#​4038.
  • Enhancement of [#​4038], using ash's definition instead of hard-coded c_str. By @​hybcloud in#​4044.
  • Enable vulkan presentation on (Linux) Intel Mesa >= v21.2. By @​flukejones in#​4110
  • DX12 doesn't support `Features::POLYGON_MODE_POINT``. By @​teoxoy in #​4032.
  • Set Features::VERTEX_WRITABLE_STORAGE based on the right feature level. By @​teoxoy in #​4033.
  • enable/disable blending per attachment only when available (on ES 3.2 or higher). By @​teoxoy in #​4234
  • Created wgpu-example::utils module to contain misc functions and such that are common code but aren't part of the example framework. Add to it the functions output_image_wasm and output_image_native, both for outputting Vec<u8> RGBA images either to the disc or the web page. By @​JustAnotherCodemonkey in #​3885.
  • Removed capture example as it had issues (did not run on wasm) and has been replaced by render-to-texture (see above). By @​JustAnotherCodemonkey in #​3885.
rust-windowing/winit (winit)


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  • On Wayland, apply correct scale to PhysicalSize passed in WindowBuilder::with_inner_size when possible.
  • On Wayland, fix RedrawRequsted being always sent without decorations and sctk-adwaita feature.
  • On Wayland, ignore resize requests when the window is fully tiled.
  • On Wayland, use configure_bounds to constrain with_inner_size when compositor wants users to pick size.
  • On Windows, fix deadlock when accessing the state during Cursor{Enter,Leave}.
  • On Windows, add support for Window::set_transparent.
  • On macOS, fix deadlock when entering a nested event loop from an event handler.
  • On macOS, add support for Window::set_blur.


Compare Source

  • Breaking: Bump MSRV from 1.60 to 1.65.
  • Breaking: Add Event::MemoryWarning; implemented on iOS/Android.
  • Breaking: Bump ndk version to 0.8.0, ndk-sys to 0.5.0, android-activity to 0.5.0.
  • Breaking: Change default ControlFlow from Poll to Wait.
  • Breaking: Move Event::RedrawRequested to WindowEvent::RedrawRequested.
  • Breaking: Moved ControlFlow::Exit to EventLoopWindowTarget::exit() and EventLoopWindowTarget::exiting() and removed ControlFlow::ExitWithCode(_) entirely.
  • Breaking: Moved ControlFlow to EventLoopWindowTarget::set_control_flow() and EventLoopWindowTarget::control_flow().
  • Breaking: EventLoop::new and EventLoopBuilder::build now return Result<Self, EventLoopError>
  • Breaking: WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND was removed in favor of standard WAYLAND_DISPLAY and DISPLAY variables.
  • Breaking: on Wayland, dispatching user created Wayland queue won't wake up the loop unless winit has event to send back.
  • Breaking: remove DeviceEvent::Text.
  • Breaking: Remove lifetime parameter from Event and WindowEvent.
  • Breaking: Rename Window::set_inner_size to Window::request_inner_size and indicate if the size was applied immediately.
  • Breaking: ActivationTokenDone event which could be requested with the new startup_notify module, see its docs for more.
  • Breaking: ScaleFactorChanged now contains a writer instead of a reference to update inner size.
  • Breaking run() -> ! has been replaced by run() -> Result<(), EventLoopError> for returning errors without calling std::process::exit() (#​2767)
  • Breaking Removed EventLoopExtRunReturn / run_return in favor of EventLoopExtPumpEvents / pump_events and EventLoopExtRunOnDemand / run_on_demand (#​2767)
  • RedrawRequested is no longer guaranteed to be emitted after MainEventsCleared, it is now platform-specific when the event is emitted after being requested via redraw_request().
    • On Windows, RedrawRequested is now driven by WM_PAINT messages which are requested via redraw_request()
  • Breaking LoopDestroyed renamed to LoopExiting (#​2900)
  • Breaking RedrawEventsCleared removed (#​2900)
  • Breaking MainEventsCleared removed (#​2900)
  • Breaking: Remove all deprecated modifiers fields.
  • Breaking: Rename DeviceEventFilter to DeviceEvents reversing the behavior of variants.
  • Breaking Add AboutToWait event which is emitted when the event loop is about to block and wait for new events (#​2900)
  • Breaking: Rename EventLoopWindowTarget::set_device_event_filter to listen_device_events.
  • Breaking: Rename Window::set_ime_position to Window::set_ime_cursor_area adding a way to set exclusive zone.
  • Breaking: with_x11_visual now takes the visual ID instead of the bare pointer.
  • Breaking MouseButton now supports Back and Forward variants, emitted from mouse events on Wayland, X11, Windows, macOS and Web.
  • Breaking: On Web, instant is now replaced by web_time.
  • Breaking: On Web, dropped support for Safari versions below 13.1.
  • Breaking: On Web, the canvas output bitmap size is no longer adjusted.
  • Breaking: On Web, the canvas size is not controlled by Winit anymore and external changes to the canvas size will be reported through WindowEvent::Resized.
  • Breaking: Updated bitflags crate version to 2, which changes the API on exposed types.
  • Breaking: CursorIcon::Arrow was removed.
  • Breaking: CursorIcon::Hand is now named CursorIcon::Pointer.
  • Breaking: CursorIcon is now used from the cursor-icon crate.
  • Breaking: WindowExtWebSys::canvas() now returns an Option.
  • Breaking: Overhaul keyboard input handling.
    • Replace KeyboardInput with KeyEvent and RawKeyEvent.
      • Change WindowEvent::KeyboardInput to contain a KeyEvent.
      • Change Event::Key to contain a RawKeyEvent.
    • Remove Event::ReceivedCharacter. In its place, you should use
      KeyEvent.text in combination with WindowEvent::Ime.
    • Replace VirtualKeyCode with the Key enum.
    • Replace ScanCode with the KeyCode enum.
    • Rename ModifiersState::LOGO to SUPER and ModifiersState::CTRL to CONTROL.
    • Add PhysicalKey wrapping KeyCode and NativeKeyCode.
    • Add KeyCode to refer to keys (roughly) by their physical location.
    • Add NativeKeyCode to represent raw KeyCodes which Winit doesn't
    • Add Key to represent the keys after they've been interpreted by the
      active (software) keyboard layout.
    • Add NamedKey to represent the categorized keys.
    • Add NativeKey to represent raw Keys which Winit doesn't understand.
    • Add KeyLocation to tell apart Keys which usually "mean" the same thing,
      but can appear simultaneously in different spots on the same keyboard
    • Add Window::reset_dead_keys to enable application-controlled cancellation
      of dead key sequences.
    • Add KeyEventExtModifierSupplement to expose additional (and less
      portable) interpretations of a given key-press.
    • Add PhysicalKeyExtScancode, which lets you convert between scancodes and
    • ModifiersChanged now uses dedicated Modifiers struct.
  • Removed platform-specific extensions that should be retrieved through raw-window-handle trait implementations instead:
    • platform::windows::HINSTANCE.
    • WindowExtWindows::hinstance.
    • WindowExtWindows::hwnd.
    • WindowExtIOS::ui_window.
    • WindowExtIOS::ui_view_controller.
    • WindowExtIOS::ui_view.
    • WindowExtMacOS::ns_window.
    • WindowExtMacOS::ns_view.
    • EventLoopWindowTargetExtWayland::wayland_display.
    • WindowExtWayland::wayland_surface.
    • WindowExtWayland::wayland_display.
    • WindowExtX11::xlib_window.
    • WindowExtX11::xlib_display.
    • WindowExtX11::xlib_screen_id.
    • WindowExtX11::xcb_connection.
  • Reexport raw-window-handle in window module.
  • Add ElementState::is_pressed.
  • Add Window::pre_present_notify to notify winit before presenting to the windowing system.
  • Add Window::set_blur to request a blur behind the window; implemented on Wayland for now.
  • Add Window::show_window_menu to request a titlebar/system menu; implemented on Wayland/Windows for now.
  • Implement AsFd/AsRawFd for EventLoop<T> on X11 and Wayland.
  • Implement PartialOrd and Ord for MouseButton.
  • Implement PartialOrd and Ord on types in the dpi module.
  • Make WindowBuilder Send + Sync.
  • Make iOS MonitorHandle and VideoMode usable from other threads.
  • Make iOS windows usable from other threads.
  • On Android, add force data to touch events.
  • On Android, added EventLoopBuilderExtAndroid::handle_volume_keys to indicate that the application will handle the volume keys manually.
  • On Android, fix DeviceId to contain device id's.
  • On Orbital, fix ModifiersChanged not being sent.
  • On Wayland, Window::outer_size now accounts for client side decorations.
  • On Wayland, add Window::drag_resize_window method.
  • On Wayland, remove WINIT_WAYLAND_CSD_THEME variable.
  • On Wayland, fix TouchPhase::Canceled being sent for moved events.
  • On Wayland, fix forward compatibility issues.
  • On Wayland, fix initial window size not restored for maximized/fullscreened on startup window.
  • On Wayland, fix maximized startup not taking full size on GNOME.
  • On Wayland, fix maximized window creation and window geometry handling.
  • On Wayland, fix window not checking that it actually got initial configure event.
  • On Wayland, make double clicking and moving the CSD frame more reliable.
  • On Wayland, support Occluded event with xdg-shell v6
  • On Wayland, use frame callbacks to throttle RedrawRequested events so redraws will align with compositor.
  • On Web, ControlFlow::WaitUntil now uses the Prioritized Task Scheduling API. setTimeout(), with a trick to circumvent throttling to 4ms, is used as a fallback.
  • On Web, EventLoopProxy now implements Send.
  • On Web, Window now implements Send and Sync.
  • On Web, account for CSS padding, border, and margin when getting or setting the canvas position.
  • On Web, add Fullscreen API compatibility for Safari.
  • On Web, add DeviceEvent::Motion, DeviceEvent::MouseWheel, DeviceEvent::Button and DeviceEvent::Key support.
  • On Web, add EventLoopWindowTargetExtWebSys and PollStrategy, which allows to set different strategies for ControlFlow::Poll. By default the Prioritized Task Scheduling API is used, but an option to use Window.requestIdleCallback is available as well. Both use setTimeout(), with a trick to circumvent throttling to 4ms, as a fallback.
  • On Web, add WindowBuilderExtWebSys::with_append() to append the canvas element to the web page on creation.
  • On Web, allow event loops to be recreated with spawn.
  • On Web, enable event propagation.
  • On Web, fix ControlFlow::WaitUntil to never wake up before the given time.
  • On Web, fix DeviceEvent::MouseMotion only being emitted for each canvas instead of the whole window.
  • On Web, fix Window:::set_fullscreen doing nothing when called outside the event loop but during transient activation.
  • On Web, fix pen treated as mouse input.
  • On Web, fix pointer button events not being processed when a buttons is already pressed.
  • On Web, fix scale factor resize suggestion always overwriting the canvas size.
  • On Web, fix some WindowBuilder methods doing nothing.
  • On Web, fix some Window methods using incorrect HTML attributes instead of CSS properties.
  • On Web, fix the bfcache by not using the beforeunload event and map bfcache loading/unloading to Suspended/Resumed events.
  • On Web, fix touch input not gaining or loosing focus.
  • On Web, fix touch location to be as accurate as mouse position.
  • On Web, handle coalesced pointer events, which increases the resolution of pointer inputs.
  • On Web, implement Window::focus_window().
  • On Web, implement Window::set_(min|max)_inner_size().
  • On Web, implement WindowEvent::Occluded.
  • On Web, never return a MonitorHandle.
  • On Web, prevent clicks on the canvas to select text.
  • On Web, remove any fullscreen requests from the queue when an external fullscreen activation was detected.
  • On Web, remove unnecessary Window::is_dark_mode(), which was replaced with Window::theme().
  • On Web, respect EventLoopWindowTarget::listen_device_events() settings.
  • On Web, scale factor and dark mode detection are now more robust.
  • On Web, send mouse position on button release as well.
  • On Web, take all transient activations on the canvas and window into account to queue a fullscreen request.
  • On Web, use Window.requestAnimationFrame() to throttle RedrawRequested events.
  • On Web, use the correct canvas size when calculating the new size during scale factor change, instead of using the output bitmap size.
  • On Web: fix Window::request_redraw not waking the event loop when called from outside the loop.
  • On Web: fix position of touch events to be relative to the canvas.
  • On Windows, add drag_resize_window method support.
  • On Windows, add horizontal MouseWheel DeviceEvent.
  • On Windows, added WindowBuilderExtWindows::with_class_name to customize the internal class name.
  • On Windows, fix IME APIs not working when from non event loop thread.
  • On Windows, fix CursorEnter/Left not being sent when grabbing the mouse.
  • On Windows, fix RedrawRequested not being delivered when calling Window::request_redraw from RedrawRequested.
  • On Windows, port to windows-sys version 0.48.0.
  • On X11, add a with_embedded_parent_window function to the window builder to allow embedding a window into another window.
  • On X11, fix event loop not waking up on ControlFlow::Poll and ControlFlow::WaitUntil.
  • On X11, fix false positive flagging of key repeats when pressing different keys with no release between presses.
  • On X11, set visual_id in returned raw-window-handle.
  • On iOS, add ability to change the status bar style.
  • On iOS, add force data to touch events when using the Apple Pencil.
  • On iOS, always wake the event loop when transitioning from ControlFlow::Poll to ControlFlow::Poll.
  • On iOS, send events WindowEvent::Occluded(false), WindowEvent::Occluded(true) when application enters/leaves foreground.
  • On macOS, add tabbing APIs on WindowExtMacOS and EventLoopWindowTargetExtMacOS.
  • On macOS, fix assertion when pressing Globe key.
  • On macOS, fix crash in window.set_minimized(false).
  • On macOS, fix crash when dropping Window.


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Not yet, see: #13731 and #13732.

@torokati44 torokati44 closed this Oct 30, 2023
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