This is a CTF-helper or a program checking (for vulns) tool done as a college project. This tool detects buffer overflow and format string vulnerability in x86 64-bit binary (small sized). It also generates exploit payload for BOF for 3 attacks: RIP overwrite (win function), ROPchain generation using angrop and shellcode (chose among the hardcoded payloads).
- claripy==9.0.5739
- angr==9.0.5739
- python 3.6
- radare2
- pwntools, pyelftools
- --> the main worker script of the tool
- lib --> for utility scripts
- trash --> trial purpose scripts
git clone
cd AngErza
Before running AngErza, ensure the all the requirements are installed. For running AngErza on your binary:
python3 <test_binary_name>
AngErza is a combo of various utility scripts and needs to be IMPROVISED.
- Shellcode-Gen: ..1. Auto-generation of shellcode instead of using the hardcoded payloads ..2. Expanding bug scenario (mmap()...)
- Including attacks which can bypass ASLR and PIE (attacks using program leaks)
- Enhancing bug-detection for buffer overflow and format string
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