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The proper way to do yaml in skript


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The proper way to do yaml in skript

Rather then checking the file each time this addon caches the yaml file to memory






Effect (Load yaml)

Loads a yaml file into memory

  • If the file doesn't exist it will be created for you, no need to use other addons to create a file!
  • Using the optional [non[(-| )]relative] allows for root directory access
  • The first input is the yaml file path(ie. "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml") (see example for root directories)
  • The second input allows you to choose your own id for this file
  • If the second input isn't used then the files name minus the extension is used as the id for example 'config.yml' becomes 'config'


[re]load [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] [y[a]ml] %strings%

[re]load [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] [y[a]ml] %string% as %string%

[re]load [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] [y[a]ml] %strings% using [the] [file] path[s] as [the] id[s]


#Root directory
	#If the server is on drive D:\(on windows) for example then that would be the root path
	load non-relative yaml "RootFolder/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml"
	#Otherwise you can specify a drive
	load non-relative yaml "C:/RootFolder/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml"

#Both examples produce the same id for use in other effects/expressions
load yaml "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml"
load yaml "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml" as "config"

#to get similar function as the other addons you would do this sort of thing with the id...
	load yaml "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml" as "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml"
	set yaml value "version" from "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml" to 1.0
	broadcast "%yaml value "version" from "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/config.yml"%"

Effect (Load all yaml from directory)

Loads a directory YAML files into memory.

  • The input is a directory (ie. "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/").
  • If for example a file in that directory is named test.yml then the output ID would be 'plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/test.yml'
  • Using the optional filename ID would output test.yml"


[re]load all [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% [using [the] filename as [the] id]


#This isn't something you would really want to do, or is it?
load all yaml from directory "plugins/skript-yaml/test"
	loop all of the currently loaded yaml files:
		loop yaml nodes "" from loop-value-1:
			loop yaml nodes loop-value-2 from loop-value-1:
				broadcast yaml value "%loop-value-2%.%loop-value-3%" from loop-value-1

Effect (Delete yaml)

Unloads a yaml file from memory and deletes the file


delete [y[a]ml] %string%

Effect (Delete all or any loaded yaml from directory)

Unloads a directory of yaml files from memory and deletes them


delete (all|any) [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings%

delete (all|any) loaded [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% [using [the] filename as [the] id]

Effect (Unload yaml)

Unloads one or more yaml files from memory

  • If using the [(1¦director(y|ies))] option the input string must be a directory instead of an id


unload [y[a]ml] [(1¦director(y|ies))] %strings%


unload yaml "config"

Effect (Save yaml)

Saves the current cached yaml elements to file

  • Using the [with an indentation of %-number%] option allows you to save the file with a different amount of spacing between 1 and 10


save [y[a]ml] %strings% [with an indentation of %-number%] [(1¦[and] with(out| no) extra lines between nodes)]


save yaml "config"

save yaml "config" with an indentation of 2


Expression (Return all cached yaml)

Returns a list of all 'cached' yaml file ids

  • Using from (director(y|ies) %-strings% option gets ids from only said directories


[(the|all [(of the|the)])] [currently] loaded y[a]ml [files] [from (director(y|ies) %-strings%|all directories)]


set {_list::*} to the currently loaded yaml files
broadcast "%{_list::*}%"

loop the loaded yaml
	broadcast loop-value

loop the loaded yaml from directory "plugins\skript-yaml"
	broadcast loop-value

Expression (Return all cached yaml directories)

Returns a list of directories from all 'cached' yaml file ids


[(the|all [(of the|the)])] [currently] loaded y[a]ml directories


loop the loaded yaml directories
	broadcast loop-value

Expression (Yaml)

Gets, sets, removes values/node keys etc.. of a cached yaml file

  • Requires the id used/created from the load effect
  • This expression does not save to file
  • Lists accept list variables for input
  • Using 'without string checks' optional is a tiny bit faster but doesn't check/convert strings for numbers or booleans
  • Using '(node|path) list' only gets a list of nodes at that path (full names like 'rootnode.subnode' are returned)


[[skript-]y[a]ml] (1¦value|2¦(node|path) list|3¦(node|path)[s with] keys|4¦list) %string% (of|in|from) %string% [without string checks]


set yaml value "test1.test2" from "config" to "test3"
set yaml list "" from "config" to {_list::*}

set {_test} to yaml value "test1.test2" from "config"
broadcast "%{_test}%"
on script load:
	load yaml "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml" as "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml"
command /savetp:
		set yaml value "%player%.location" from "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml" to location of player
		save yaml "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml"

command /tp:
		teleport player to yaml value "%player%.location" from "plugins/skript-yaml/teleport.yml"

Expression (Yaml list value)

Gets, sets, removes values from a list in a cached yaml file

  • Requires index between 1 and the size of the list
  • Requires the id used/created from the load effect
  • This expression does not save to file
  • Using 'without string checks' optional is a tiny bit faster but doesn't check/convert strings for numbers or booleans


[[skript-]y[a]ml] (index|value) %number% (of|in|from) list %string% (of|in|from) %string% [without string checks]


set index 1 in list "test1.test2" from "config" to "test3"

set {_test} to yaml index 1 in list "test1.test2" from "config"
broadcast "%{_test}%"

Expression (All yaml nodes)

Gets a list of all nodes of a cached yaml file


[all] [[skript-]y[a]ml] (node|path)[s] (of|in|from) %string%


set yaml value "test1.test2" from "config" to "test3"
set yaml value "boop.beep" from "config" to "bop"

set {_list::*} to all yaml nodes of "config"
broadcast "%{_list::*}%"

Expression (Yaml comment or header)

Gets, sets, deletes comments or the header of a cached yaml file

  • Headers don't contain '#' so add it yourself if you want it
  • Comments can only be at root level ie. 'root' not 'root.something'
  • Both comment and header expressions can be set to multiple elements
  • This expression does not save to file


[the] comment[s] (of|from) [y[a]ml] node[s] %strings% (of|in|from) %string%" [(1¦with [an] extra line)]

[the] (comment[s] (at|on) [the] top of |header (of|from)) %string% [(1¦with [an] extra line)]


set the comments of yaml node "test" from "config" to "First line" and "Second line"
delete the comments of yaml node "test" from "config"

set {_header::*} to "First line" and "Second line"
set the comments at the top of "config" to {_header::*}
delete  the comments at the top of "config"

set the header of "config" to "First line" and "Second line"
delete  the header of "config"
set the header of "config" to {_header::*}

Expression (Yaml loop)

Loop expressions to use while looping a yaml expression

  • Only works while using yaml node list, yaml node keys and yaml list
  • loop-id gets the id used in the yaml expression
  • loop-val gets a value at that node if one exists
  • loop-list gets a list at that node if one exists
  • loop-node gets the full path plus key
  • loop-key gets just the keys
  • loop-subnodekeys gets any subnode from the current node (does not work on lists)


[the] loop-(1¦id|2¦val|3¦list|4¦node|5¦key|6¦subnodekey[s]|7¦iteration)


Yaml file:

  subnode1: value1
  subnode2: value2
  subnode1: value1
  subnode2: value2
- listValue1
- listValue2

Skript file:

loop yaml node keys "node" from "config":
	broadcast yaml value "%loop-node%" from "%loop-id%"


Condition (Is yaml loaded)

Checks if one or more yaml files are loaded into memory using said id


y[a]ml[s] %strings% (is|are) loaded

y[a]ml[s] %strings% ((are|is) not|(is|are)n[']t) loaded

Condition (Is yaml empty)

Only checks if there are any nodes or not


[skript-]y[a]ml %string% is[(n't| not)] empty

Condition (Does yaml path have value)

Checks if one or more values exist at a path in a cached YAML file using said ID.

  • First input is the path
  • Second input is the id
  • If multiple paths are checked at once it will return false on the first one found to not contain a value.


[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% has [a] value[s]

[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% does(n't| not) have [a] value[s]


set skript-yaml value "test.test" from "config" to "test"

yaml path \"test.test\" in \"config\" has value:
    broadcast "has value"

Condition (Does yaml path exist)

Checks if one or more paths exist in a cached yaml file using said id

  • First input is the path
  • Second input is the id
  • If multiple paths are checked at once it will return false on the first one found to not exist


[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% exists

[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %strings% (of|in|from) %string% does(n't| not) exist


set skript-yaml value "test.test" from "config" to "test"
set skript-yaml value "test2.test2" from "config" to "test"

yaml path "test.test" and "test2.test2" in "config" exists:
    broadcast "this works"
yaml path "test.test" and "boop.boop" in "config" exists:
    broadcast "this will fail"

Condition (Does yaml path have list)

Checks if one or more paths contain a list in a cached yaml file using said id

  • First input is the path
  • Second input is the id
  • If multiple paths are checked at once it will return false on the first one found to not exist


[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %string% (of|in|from) %string% has [a] list

[skript-]y[a]ml [(node|path)[s]] %string% (of|in|from) %string% does(n't| not) have [a] list


if yaml node "listnode" from "example" has list:
	loop yaml list "listnode" from "example":
		broadcast "%loop-val%"

Condition (Does yaml exist)

Checks if a yaml file exists

  • You really shouldn't have to use this since the load yaml effect creates one if it doesn't already exist
  • Input is the yaml file path


[(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] y[a]ml file %string% exists

[(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] y[a]ml file %string% does(n't| not) exist


  • Updated version thanks to @Pikachu920 of this Skript API
createYMLFile("plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/boop.yml", "list: listName:50;3.14;true;false;yes;no;on;off||value: valueName1:true||value: valueName2:2||value: valueName3:2.6||value: valueName4:This is a string")

  • Old test made by @Rezz converted to skript-yaml by @Pickachu920


I'd like to thank the whole Skript community, without users like you I wouldn't have bothered to make this!

A special shout out goes to @Pikachu920 for helping me with the syntax and some ideas <3


The proper way to do yaml in skript







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