This is Peatio SDK React/Redux Boilerplate which aims to describe basics of Peatio API. There are two different ways to serve this code:
- Static SPA with login OAuth on Peatio side, based on defaults of Peatio workbench
- Sepatate OAuth middleware built in
If you have Peatio_workbench running you can start from first option. In this case User will need to open Peatio page first and after successful login will be redirected to peatio-react.
Peatio Workbench up and running. Default configuration infrastructure:
- Barong accessible on http://barong:8001/
- Peatio accessible on http://peatio:8000/
For more information please check Peatio Workbench doc.
Current Barong public key should be extracted and put into configuration in order to be able to validate JWT.
This Boilerplate uses HashRouter, so you need to edit Peatio Workbench docker-compose and set callback URL of peatio docker:
You may use either yarn
or npm
to install dependencies:
cd develop
yarn install
npm install
Starting in development mode is as simple as:
yarn start
npm start
You may build code and use any server to handle as static files or even open as file://, but in this case you will need to provide JWT manually.
yarn run build
npm run build
There is an example of handling SPA using Go serve in /server-go-example.
Assuming that you already have golang installed just run following in /server-go-example folder
go get -u
It uses $GOPATH/bin/serve
if you forgot PATH, you can run it anywhere.
Working directory is server-express
First thing lets add name to our Peatio SDK React/Redux Boilerplate edit /etc/hosts
and add: peatio-react
- Sign in at barong:8001, then go to /admin
- and navigate to Applications
- Create new application with the following callback url
Working directory is server-rails
First thing lets add name to our Peatio SDK React/Redux Boilerplate edit /etc/hosts
and add: peatio-react
- Sign in at barong:8001, then go to /admin
- and navigate to Applications
- Create new application with the following callback url
Put your barong application id and secret to config/secrets.yml
or set them in env:
export BARONG_CLIENT_ID=b3b6ceb05a77f2d3f9bd9f8ebdd943c65f415d3329e98380300ea964d4bb3308
export BARONG_CLIENT_SECRET=a00c488eb52ebaaf1b1e38fcf06572ebe84387ce65ffe2f4e01dc45cc626e30f
To start the server run bin/server
. It will build react SPA and start the rails server.
Please, refer to OAuth2/JWT fot more details.
Basic configuraion of this demo compatible with Peatio_workbench authentication flow based on OAuth2. Peatio SDK React/Redux Boilerplate runs on http://peatio-react:4200 (alias to localhost) the only difference is using HashRouter.
To make code compact this boilerplate uses lightweight front-end framework dva.
3 models are defined:
- auth - handling JWT
- peatioapi - redux-saga wrapper around peatio-sdk
- visuals - used for displaing notifications and is not of business logics used to prototype UX flow
For visual parts following libraries were used:
For more details, please read Development guide