Parses the iReal B chords format and outputs chords-json.
Sometime within the past year iRealB changed their file format, and it’s now much less straightforward. Though the delimeters seem largely the same, the actual chords changes are encoded in some way. I welcome contributions to get this gem updated to parsing the new iRealB format.
The gem comes with a single thor task “chords-json” that will take a file containing the iReal B chords format and convert it to chords-json (
$ irealb_parser json file.txt
Various iRealB links are available on the iRealB forums.
Find a link, and copy link to the clipboard. What you have copied is the URL-encoded contents of the text we need to process.
Go to a URL decoder like this, paste the entire string in there, but remove the “irealb://” prefix.
Take decoded contents and save it to a text file.
$ irealb_parser json file.txt
against the file.