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Tapu Shaikh edited this page Jan 16, 2025 · 6 revisions

PACE-tomo is a data-collection scheme developed by Rado Danev and colleagues. Briefly, it uses beam shift to collect multiple tilt series in parallel, which bypasses the rate-limiting step in tomographic data collection: stage movement.

Data collection is much faster, and is organized differently, compared to typical SerialEM data collection. Thus, the rate-limiting steps have been parallelized.

Quick Start

In a simple use case, we will provide one or more target files, not in on-the-fly mode, and accept all default values.

snartomo-pace --target_files "target_file*.txt" --gain_file gain_reference --eer_dir frames/

  • Either target files or MDOC files must be provided.
  • Either a gain file must be provided or the flag --no_gain must be supplied.
  • A directory containing EERs, MRCs, or TIFFs must be provided. If micrographs are in EER format, a gain reference must be provided.

SNARTomo will warn you if there is information that you failed to provide.

More detailed usage will be described below.


SerialEM files

A key input for SNARTomoPace is one or more target files, typically with a filename of the form *_tgts.txt. To briefly summarize how SNARTomoPACE works, it reads the target file, and determines the name of the associated tilt-series MDOC files. New movie files are then scanned, in the sequence in which the corresponding tilt-series MDOC file appears in the target file. SNARTomoPACE expects the corresponding tilt-series MDOC files (typically with a filename of the form *ts*.mdoc) to be in the same directory as the target file.

The target file(s) should follow the flag --target_files

Note that if multiple target files are specified, they must be enclosed in quotes. Conversely, quotes are not requires around a single target file.

Alternatively, MDOC files can be provided instead of one or more target files, after the flag --mdoc_files

As with target files, if more than one MDOC file is specified, they must be enclosed in quotes.

Movie files

As of 2023-02-28, SNARTomoPACE accepts EER, MRC, or TIFF movies as input. The corresponding command line must include the --eer_dir, --mrc_dir, or --tif_dir, respectively.

Last angle

In on-the-fly mode, SNARTomoPACE needs a signal to decide when to start computing the 3D reconstruction. That signal is when the last angle in the last tilt series in the target file is reached, using the flag --last_tilt

If you’re not computing on-the-fly (in other words, if you leave out the --live flag), you don’t need this parameter. Instead, SNARTomo will simply search the contents of the MDOC files, assuming that they are complete.

NOTE1: If the --last_tilt flag is provided, it is assumed that all tilt series have the same number of micrographs.

NOTE2: The last angle does not necessarily correspond to the highest tilt angle, simply the chronologically last tilt angle. Under typical usage, the first tilt angle is positive, and the last tilt angle would then be the most-negative angle.

NOTE3: It is assumed that every tilt series is collected to the same last angle. If the last angle varies, the program may get stuck while looking for a movie file which will never exist. Instead, run SNARTomoPACE separately for tilt series which are collected to a different last angle.

Getting started

The examples below will assume that your movies are in EER format. With EERs, a --frame_file is required.

Most settings have a default value. The following parameters are required:

  • movie directory – specified with --eer_dir, --mrc_dir, or --tif_dir, respectively
  • --target_files or --mdoc_files – If more than one file is specified, surround them in quotes.
  • --gain_file or --no_gain – If you provide neither flag, SNARTomo will assume that you forgot about the gain file.
  • --last_tilt – required only in live mode

At a minimum, you could simply type snartomo-pace --target_files "target_files*.txt" --gain_file <gain_reference> without any further options specified. I recommend a “dry run”, as described below.

Even better, enter snartomo-pace --help (or snartomo-pace -h) to see the full list of settings. More information about the specific options can be found below.

Dry run

I recommend performing a dry run, with the --testing option.

snartomo-pace --target_files "target_files*.txt" --eer_dir frames/ --frame_file motioncor_frame_file --gain_file gain_reference --last_tilt last_tilt_angle --testing

The information written to the screen before SNARTomo starts looking for individual files includes summaries of how to use SNARTomo, and the settings used. Also note the Validation section. If required inputs are missing, they will be noted here. Some sanity checks will be performed here, to make sure your parameters are sensible.

If you are still collecting data, SNARTomo will continue to look for new files, and will not stop on its own. Enter ctrl-c to exit from a dry run.

Since SNARTomoPACE is parallelized, it produces output faster, and in a wider variety. Only a summary is written to the console terminal, for example, validation, warnings, and a counter for detected files. Instead, more detailed information will be written to specialized files in the Logs output subdirectory. The main log file, Logs/snartomo.txt, will closely resemble the screen output. The MotionCor2 output file, Logs/motioncor2.txt, will contain the detailed screen output of MotionCor2, et cetera. A more complete list of the log files is listed in the Outputs section.

Live vs. batch mode

Once you are satisfied with the results of the dry run, remove the --testing flag.

The two general ways to process data using SNARTomoPACE are: live (on-the-fly) and batch modes.

Live mode

In live mode, the --live flag tells SNARTomoPACE to look for new EER files continuously. In addition, the --last_tilt flag tells SNARTomoPACE when to start computing the 3D reconstructions.

snartomo-pace --target_files "target_files*.txt" --eer_dir frames/ --frame_file motioncor_frame_file --gain_file gain_reference --last_tilt last_tilt_angle --live

Batch mode with target files

In batch mode, the last tilt angle is not required.

snartomo-pace --target_files "target_files*.txt" --eer_dir frames/ --frame_file motioncor_frame_file --gain_file gain_reference

In batch mode, the MDOC files will be assumed to be complete, and SNARTomoPACE will not continuously look for new EER files.

Batch mode with MDOC files

snartomo-pace --mdoc_files "mdoc_files*.mdoc" --eer_dir frames/ --frame_file motioncor_frame_file --gain_file gain_reference


In both live and batch modes, there will be text written continuously to the screen, so it may be impractical to continue using that console. You might want to use tmux or screen to work elsewhere. If you would like to exit the session while SNARTomo is still running, you might want to start a tmux or screen session. Alternatively, you can simply leave that console open.


For the most current settings, enter:

snartomo-pace --help

You can alternatively enter snartomo-pace -h

Any of these parameters can be overridden on the command with the use of the appropriate flag, using the form:

snartomo-pace --flag_to-override=your_new_value

The “=” is optional, and can be replaced by one or more spaces.

Data type below is as defined in Markus Stabrin’s

SerialEM settings

Either one or more target files, or an MDOC file, is required.

Flag Type Default Description
--target_files ANY None Input target files, surrounded by quotes if more than one
--mdoc_file ANY None Single MDOC file

Movie settings

One of these three flags is required.

Flag Type Default Description
--eer_dir DIR frames Input EER directory
--mrc_dir DIR frames Input MRC directory
--tif_dir DIR frames Input TIFF directory


These settings affect multiple steps.

Flag Type Default Description
--gpus ANY “0 1” GPUs to use (space-delimited and in quotes if more than one)
--live BOOL false On-the-fly mode
--last_tilt FLOAT None Last tilt angle, degrees (required in live mode)
--outdir ANY SNARTomo Output directory
--apix FLOAT -1.0 Pixel size, Å/px
--testing BOOL false Testing mode
--overwrite BOOL false Overwrite output directory (only if no EERs)
--verbosity INT 5 Verbosity level (0..9)
--max_minutes INT 100 Maximum run time, minutes
--kv FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Voltage, kV
--overwrite BOOL false Overwrite output directory (only if no EERs)
--no_redo3d BOOL false Flag to NOT overwrite pre-existing 3D reconstructions
--denoise_gpu BOOL set in snartomo.bashrc Testing mode


Flag Type Default Description
--search_interval INT set in snartomo.bashrc Interval to check for files and resources, seconds
--min_tilt FLOAT None Minimum (most negative) tilt angle to keep
--max_tilt FLOAT None Maximum tilt angle to keep
--tilt_tolerance FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Pixel size, Å/px
--slow BOOL false In testing mode, simulates a delay in file creation
--ram_warn FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Free system memory (GB) before warning printed
--ram_kill FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Free system memory (GB) before exiting
--eer_local BOOL set in snartomo.bashrc Flag to temporarily copy EER files locally
--eer_latency FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum header read time (seconds) before micrograph is copied locally
--debug BOOL false Flag for debugging


Flag Type Default Description
--frame_file ANY motioncor-frame.txt Input MotionCor2 frame file
--gain_file FILE None Input gain file
--no_gain BOOL false Flag when no gain file is to be used
--motioncor_exe ANY set in snartomo.bashrc MotionCor2 executable
--mcor_patches ANY set in snartomo.bashrc Number of patches in x y, delimited by spaces and in quotes
--do_splitsum BOOL False Split frames into half-sets
--split_sum INT 0 (DEPRECATED) Split frames into half-sets (0: no, 1: yes)
--reffrm INT 1 Reference frame (0: first, 1: middle)
--do_outstack BOOL False Write aligned stacks
--mc2_wait FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum wait (seconds) for competing user’s MotionCor2_FreeGpus.txt file to be deleted
--min_frames INT set in snartomo.bashrc Minimum number of frames (EERs only) before printing warning
--max_frames INT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum number of frames (EERs only) before printing warning


Flag Type Default Description
--ctffind_dir ANY set in snartomo.bashrc CTFFIND executable directory
--ctf_slots INT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum number of CTFFIND4 processes to run concurrently
--cs FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Spherical aberration constant
--ac FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Amplitude contrast
--box INT set in snartomo.bashrc Tile size for power-spectrum calculation
--res_lo FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Low-resolution limit for CTF fitting, Å
--res_hi FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc High-resolution limit for CTF fitting, Å
--df_lo FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Minimum defocus value, Å
--df_hi FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum defocus value, Å
--df_step FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Defocus search step during fitting, Å
--ast_step FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Astigmatism search step during fitting, Å
--ctf1d_dpi INT 250 Resolution (dpi) of PNG of 1D CTF profile
--ctfplot_first INT -1 Plots first CTF data for first N images in tilt series (-1 -> all)


Flag Type Default Description
--do_janni BOOL false Flag to denoise using JANNI
--janni_batch INT set in snartomo.bashrc Number of patches predicted in parallel
--janni_overlap INT set in snartomo.bashrc Overlap between patches, pixels
--janni_model ANY set in snartomo.bashrc JANNI “h5” model file
--janni_env ANY set in snartomo.bashrc Conda environment


Flag Type Default Description
--do_topaz BOOL false Flag to denoise using Topaz
--topaz_patch INT set in snartomo.bashrc Patch size
--topaz_env ANY set in snartomo.bashrc Conda environment
--topaz_time ANY set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum duration (Topaz sometimes hangs)


Settings for dose-fitting.

Flag Type Default Description
--dosefit_min FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Minimum dose rate allowed, as a fraction of maximum dose rate
--dosefit_resid FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum residual during dose-fitting, as a fraction of maximum
--dosefit_verbose INT 6 Verbosity in log file (0..8)


Flag Type Default Description
--batch_directive ANY batchDirective.adoc IMOD batch directive file
--imod_slots INT set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum number of IMOD reconstructions to run concurrently
--imod_dir ANY set in snartomo.bashrc IMOD executable directory


Settings for contour removal in IMOD reconstruction.

Flag Type Default Description
--do_ruotnocon BOOL false Flag to remove contours
--ruotnocon_sd FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Cutoff in units of sigma for residual


Flag Type Default Description
--are_bin INT set in snartomo.bashrc Binning factor for reconstruction
--are_patches ANY set in snartomo.bashrc Number of patches in x & y (delimited by spaces)
--dark_tol FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Tolerance for dark images (0.0-1.0)
--vol_zdim INT set in snartomo.bashrc z-dimension for volume
--rec_zdim INT set in snartomo.bashrc z-dimension for reconstruction
--tilt_cor INT set in snartomo.bashrc Tilt-correction flag (1: yes, 0: no)
--bp_method INT set in snartomo.bashrc Reconstruction method (1: weighted backprojection, 0: SART)
--flip_vol INT set in snartomo.bashrc Flag to flip coordinates axes (1: yes, 0: no)
--transfile INT set in snartomo.bashrc Flag to generate IMOD XF files (1: yes, 0: no)
--are_time ANY set in snartomo.bashrc Maximum duration (AreTomo sometimes hangs)
--tilt_axis FLOAT set in snartomo.bashrc Estimate for tilt-axis direction, degrees
--aretomo_exe ANY set in snartomo.bashrc AreTomo executable
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