This exercise has been implemented in order to find the most efficient way of calculating divisors and then classifying. The first approach used range(N) built-in function, which returns an array of N-1 positions. It is an easy way of iterate through a loop but it is not efficient (neither space nor time/iterations) on high values. It was replaced to an auto-incremental variable, which does not require too many space as storing all array positions does.
Then, after making some analysis on divisors calculation I realized that N/2 would be the highest divisor of N: - If N%2 == 0, it means that highest divisor would be N/2. - If N%3 == 0, it means that highest divisor would be N/3 (which is lower than example above)... ... so, WHY TO ITERATE [1 .. N] if [1.. N/2] would return the same result by apply much less iterations?
In addition, I would have liked to implement a more efficient way to calculate divisors, by using only prime numbers: For instance, to calculate divisors of 36: - Current implementation would need 18 iterations (max) - More last approach would require only 4 iterations: 36 / 2 18 / 2 9 / 3 3 / 3 1
It would be appreciated for high numbers.
This exercise has been implemented by following the specifications, i.e. using AJAX to request the three data sources provided. To ease this task, I decided to use jQuery.
I chose ChartJS to draw the charts.
Regarding to the software architecture/structure, there are three layers: - index.js, which implements the view and behavior of the elements in the user interface. - controller.js, which manages all data and works as interface between pages and communication manager (data collection). - comunicationManager.js, whose main task is to request data to same u other sources/servers. Currently, it only implements one generic function that receivesthe target URL. I thought that Object-Oriented Programming would be a good approach to understand the Controller and Communication Manager and keep them 'clean'.
Responsive design (GUI): you can 'play' with browser size :)