a simple blockchain structure applied using a cryptocurrency named aureus.
This is not finished yet. Still going to develop some express routes and a client-side demo.
Future usage will be through browser. 😄
At the moment, if you want to know how it works, you can clone and test it.
Follow the index.js as a guide to implement some random tests, but here are some useful functions:
const transaction1 = new Transaction(walletAddress, 'address2', 10)
this will add a transaction to the memory pool. you should generate a key first, follow index to check how to generate it.
const aureusCoin = new Blockchain()
here you can mine your block! 🎉️
Wallet amount: ${aureusCoin.getBalanceOfAddress(walletAddress)}`)
check the balance of the wallet. this value is following the blockchain patterns, it means it isn't stored in any database, but generated everytime its requested.
this will check if the blockchain is valid, if you try to change data and generate new hashes it will return false, so don't even try it 😄
obs: difficulty is set to 2, only for test porpouse, and mining reward is set to 100 aureus.
send me an email: [email protected]
see ya! 🚀️