Provides the basic building blocks of a pattern capable of reducing a towering codebase to modular rubble (or more Ruby gems)
PayDirt gets its name from an 18th century gold mining idiom. One was said to have "struck pay dirt" when his pick axe revealed a vein of ore. I hit pay dirt when I discovered this pattern. It provides me the freedom to build quickly with the confidence of knowing that testing will be a breeze.
Its use case is gem making. It's for getting rid of callbacks and for shipping business logic off to the more suitable (and more portable) location. It's for packaging use cases up in a modular fashion, where each unit expects to be provided certain dependencies and can be called to provide an expected result. It makes sure you're using dependency injection so you can painlessly mock all your dependencies.
The basic idea:
- Initialize an object by supplying ALL dependencies as a single options hash.
- The object should have ONE public method,
, which will return an expected result object.
What pay_dirt does to help:
- It will set instance variables from the hash of dependencies, using top level key-value pairs.
- It will not initialize (it WILL error) without all required dependencies.
- It allows you to set default values for any dependencies (just merge the
argument into your defaults hash before calling#load_options
PayDirt also provides a PayDirt::Result
object for your service objects to return (it will respond to #successful?
and #data
, see some examples). This is entirely optional, as this object can return whatever you like.
There are two ways to employ the pattern:
- use a class that inherits from PayDirt::Base
- use a class or module that includes PayDirt::UseCase
pay_dirt now provides a service object generator, powered by thor. In order to use them in your rails app, you'll need to install the task. Here's how:
$ thor install
Do you wish to continue [y/N]? y
Please specify a name for in the system repository [pay_dirt.thor]: pay_dirt
Storing thor file in your system repository
After installing, you can use your new generator anywhere you can use thor. It'll tell you how it's used:
$ thor help pay_dirt:service_object:new
thor pay_dirt:service_object:new FILE
-d, [--dependencies=one two three] # specify required dependencies
[--test-framework=TEST_FRAMEWORK] # choose a testing framework
-D, [--defaults=key:value] # Specify default dependencies
-V, [--validations=VALIDATIONS] # Add validations
-i, [--inherit], [--no-inherit] # inherit from PayDirt::Base class
# Default: true
-m, [--include], [--no-include] # include the PayDirt::UseCase module (overrides --inherit)
create a fully tested object (optionally, requires dependencies)
$ thor pay_dirt:service_object:new quick/digit_check -d fingers toes nose -D fingers:10 toes:10
create lib/quick/digit_check.rb
create test/unit/quick/digit_check_test.rb
append test/minitest_helper.rb
Running the above generator will create the following object
require 'pay_dirt'
module Quick
class DigitCheck < PayDirt::Base
def initialize(options = {})
options = {
fingers: 10,
toes: 10,
load_options(:fingers, :toes, :nose, options)
def call
return result(true)
and the following unit test
require 'minitest_helper'
describe Quick::DigitCheck do
before do
@subject = Quick::DigitCheck
@params = {
describe "as a class" do
it "initializes properly" do :call
it "errors when initialized without required dependencies" do
-> { { |k| k.to_s == 'nose' }) }.must_raise RuntimeError
describe "as an instance" do
it "executes successfully" do
result =
result.successful?.must_equal true
result.must_be_kind_of PayDirt::Result
The class generated can be used in the following manner:
require "quick/digit_check" #=> true true).call
#=> #<PayDirt::Result:0xa0be85c @data=nil, @success=true>
As you can see, we can now call true).call
and expect a successful return object. Where you take it from there is up to you.
Version 1.1.0 adds validations, and does so in a backward compatible way. This was accomplished by
modifying the #load_options
to yield a block if given, otherwise it will return the options hash
as normal. The following shows how to validate service objects using the example from class earlier
in this README.
def initialize(options = {})
options = {
fingers: 10,
toes: 10,
load_options(:fingers, :toes, :nose, options) do
raise "Oh noes!" unless @fingers == @toes
raise "No nose?" if !!@nose