Command line interface for Craft CMS.
If you are on Mac, you should install via Homebrew.
brew tap rsanchez/homebrew-craft-cli
brew install craft-cli
Otherwise, you should download the phar:
php craft.phar <your:command>
See Composer Installation for alternate ways to install.
If you are using a multi-environment config, you must specify your environment either using the --environment=
flag on your commands, or set the CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT
env variable.
craft --environment="" show:config
CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT="" craft show:config
Craft CLI is dotenv aware, and will automagically load environment variables from a .env
file in your project root (path can be customised via .craft-cli.php
). You may set your Craft environment by setting a CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT
variable in your .env
Pull Asset files from a remote environment.
craft assets:pull --ssh-user=yourUserName yourRemoteEnvironmentName
Push Asset files to a remote environment
craft assets:push --ssh-user=yourUserName yourRemoteEnvironmentName
Clear all Craft caches.
craft clear:cache
Select which cache(s) to clear from an interactive list.
craft clear:cache -s
Start an interactive shell.
craft console
Backup your database to craft/storage/backups
craft db:backup
Backup your database to the specified path.
craft db:backup ./backup.sql
Create a database
craft db:create --host=localhost --port=3306 --name=yourDbName --user=yourUserName --password=yourPassword
Pull a remote database to the local database.
craft db:pull --ssh-user=yourUserName --force yourRemoteEnvironmentName
Push your local database to a remote database.
craft db:push --ssh-user=yourUserName --force yourRemoteEnvironmentName
Restore the database from the most recent backup from craft/storage/backups
craft db:restore --force
Restore the database from the specified .sql
craft db:restore --force ./backup.sql
Download Craft to the current directory.
craft download
Create the specified directory and download Craft into it.
craft download path/to/directory
Generate a custom command file in the specified directory.
craft generate:command your:custom_command ./commands/
Generate a custom command file with a namespace.
craft generate:command --namespace="YourSite\Command" your:custom_command ./src/YourSite/Command/
Generate a custom command with arguments and options.
craft generate:command --options --arguments your_command ./commands/
Display information about a command and its arguments/options.
craft help <command>
Create an .craft-cli.php
config file in the current directory
craft init
This config file is only necessary if you if you are using Custom Commands or have renamed your craft
Download and install Craft to the current directory.
craft install
Create the specified directory and install Craft into it.
craft install path/to/directory
Install a plugin from a GitHub repository.
craft install:plugin pixelandtonic/ElementApi
List the available commands.
craft list
craft rebuild:searchindexes
Run all pending tasks.
craft run:tasks
Reset "running" (stalled) tasks and then run all tasks.
craft run:tasks --reset-running
Reset failed tasks and then run all tasks.
craft run:tasks --reset-failed
Show all config items.
craft show:config
Show the specified config item.
craft show:config db.user
Show a tail of craft.log
craft tail
craft update:assetsindexes
Craft CLI can be configured in two ways. You may use the craft init
command to generate a .craft-cli.php
file. Or, if you have installed Craft CLI via composer, you may add an extra
object to your composer.json
and a craft-cli
object within the extra
"extra": {
"craft-cli": {
"commandDirs": {
"\\Your\\Namespace": "path/to/commands/"
Craft CLI custom commands are Symfony Console Command objects. You can add custom commands to your .craft-cli.php
or composer.json
config by adding a namespace and folder path to the commandDirs
You can generate a custom command file using the craft generate:command
You can test this by running this at the command line (change the DB credentials to your actual credentials):
php -r "var_dump(@mysql_connect('hostname', 'username', 'password', 'database_name'));"
If this prints false, then you know that your CLI PHP is not configured to connect to your database. This is frequently caused by an incorrect default MySQL socket setting.
If you are running MAMP, for instance, and are using the stock Mac OS command-line PHP, you will not be able to connect out-of-the-box. You will need to edit your /etc/php.ini
(or wherever your php.ini file is located) file and change the mysql.default_socket
and/or the mysqli.default_socket
to /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
You can install globally:
composer global require craft-cli/cli
Make sure your global composer installation is added to your PATH in your ~/.bash_profile
(or ~/.profile
or ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
) so that you may run the binary from the command line:
export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
Or, you can install on a per project basis, rather than globally to your host system.
composer require craft-cli/cli
Then the command would be found in your vendor/bin
folder, so you'd run this at your command line:
vendor/bin/craft <your:command>