Convert an array of Koa middlewares into Fastify plugins.
It's highly recommended to write "native" Fastify code.
The fastify-koa
module should only be used as a temporary "connector" between your Koa code and Fastify.
npm i fastify-koa
If you have a Koa middleware like this one:
(_, next) => {
console.log("middleware run");
return next();
or a route like:
const koaRouter = new Router();
koaRouter.get("/koa", async (ctx) => {
ctx.body = "Hello from Koa\n";
you can use the fastify-koa
plugin to use them in your Fastify code:
server.register(koaToFastify, [
// your Koa middlewares/routes
Full working example code:
import fastify, { FastifyInstance } from "fastify";
import koaToFastify from "fastify-koa";
import Router from "koa-router";
const port = 3000;
const server: FastifyInstance = fastify();
const koaRouter = new Router();
koaRouter.get("/koa", async (ctx) => {
ctx.body = "Hello from Koa\n";
(async () => {
server.register(koaToFastify, [
(_, next) => {
console.log("middleware run");
return next();
server.get("/fastify", async () => "Hello from Fastify\n");
await server.ready();
server.listen({ port }, (err) =>
err ? console.error(err) : console.log("listening on port", port)
When you build and run this code, calling curl http://localhost:3000/fastify && curl http://localhost:3000/koa
you'll get:
# From your node.js process
middleware run
# From the shell where you run the `curl` command
Hello from Fastify
Hello from Koa