Personal Portfolio built with Gatsby and hosted with Netlify
Install the Gatsby CLI
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Install and use the correct version of Node using NVM
nvm install
Install dependencies
Start the development server
npm start
Generate a full static production build
npm run build
Preview the site as it will appear once deployed
npm run serve
Color | Hex |
Navy | #0a192f |
Light Navy | #172a45 |
Dark Grey | #333f58 |
Slate | #8892b0 |
Light Slate | #a8b2d1 |
Lightest Slate | #ccd6f6 |
White | #e6f1ff |
Green | #64ffda |
I am keeping this site open source, but as you all know, plagiarism is bad. I spent a non-negligible amount of effort developing, designing, and trying to perfect this website,with inspiration from the design works of Brittany. and I am proud of it!. All I ask is to not claim this effort as your own.
So, feel free to fork this repo. If you do, please just give me proper credit by linking back to my website, Refer to this handy quora post if you're not sure what to do. Thanks!