Convert .SQLite3 bible translation to .md files for Obsidian with linking each translation togeather for quick switching
- Write documentation how to use
- Refactor
- Refactor
- Refactot
For me linking works as follwos. I use bibles in following languages and link as follows
- Latvian Bible [LV] - BLV - [[ Mat 1#v3 ]] - Main translation with out translation Acronym
- New Latvian Translation [LV] - BJT - [[ BJT Mat 1#v3 ]] - Secondary translations with acronyms
- New King James Versoon [EN] - NKJV - [[ NKJV Mat 1#v3 ]]
- The Message Bibble [EN] - MSG - [[ MSG Mat 1#v3 ]]
- New Russian Translation [RU] - [[ NRT Mat 1#v3 ]]
You can also in settings define that you want to link Russian version like [[ Мат 1#v3 ]]
Opening any translation you can quickly swich.
Opening any Book you can also quickly switch to diffent translation