Copyright (C) by mosch
License GPLv2:
- /T16/GPS
- /T16/GPSviewerT16.lua
- /x9/GPSx9.lua
- /x9/GPSviewerX9.lua
- /TBS_Tango/GPSxT.lua
- /TBS_Tango/GPSviewerT.lua
- /x7_x9lite/GPSx9L.lua
- /x7_x9lite/GPSviewerX9L.lua
How to find your model in case of a crash, power loss etc? Right, check the last GPS coordinates and type it into to your mobile phone...
Shows and logs GPS related information. logfile will be generated in /LOGS/GPSpositions.txt
GPS logfile can be viewed with the GPSviewer.lua" on the radio itself
in case that the telemetry stops, the last coordinates will remain on the screen
distance from your home position - how far you need to walk ;)
IMPORTANT: -Reset Telemetry once you have a good and valid GPS fix (this resets home positon and distance):
[TARANIS] Reset telemetry data and total distance via "long press enter"
[T16 etc] Reset via "long press enter" -> statistics -> "long press enter" to reset statistics and exit menu in under 10 seconds
copy GPSviewerxxx.lua to /SCRIPTS/TOOLS
copy the ICON folder to /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/BMP
make sure that the /LOGS/ folder exists
Setup a "screen (DIsplay 13/13)" and select GPSxxx.lua
copy the GPS folder (inculding subfolders) to /WIDGETS/GPS
copy GPSviewerT16.lua to /SCRIPTS/TOOLS
make sure that the /LOGS/ folder exists
Setup "1/2" widget screen and select "GPS"