A package implementing Kalman filtering and smoothing for continuous time-indexed models with non-uniform time transitions. A collection of models are also provided, including a constant velocity motion model and a Brownian motion model. Support for prediction, filtering, smoothing and sensor fusion are currently implemented.
The package has two main components
These implement state space estimation for a given model and measurements.
The model (such as models.LinearModel
) provide common example models for modelling
time series data. For example models.ConstantVelocityModel
, models the position
and velocity of a particle over time.
For runnable examples, see /examples
. Below, a full runnable example of filtering
a noisy time series. The model here is just a Brownian motion model, which assumes
that the time series represents a hidden value that is static apart from a Brownian noise
package main
import (
func main() {
var t time.Time
values := []float64{1.3, 10.2, 5.0, 3.4}
model := models.NewSimpleModel(t, values[0], models.SimpleModelConfig{
InitialVariance: 1.0,
ProcessVariance: 1.0,
ObservationVariance: 2.0,
filter := kalman.NewKalmanFilter(model)
for _, v := range values {
t = t.Add(time.Second)
filter.Update(t, model.NewMeasurement(v))
fmt.Printf("filtered value: %f\n", model.Value(filter.State()))