This package provides calculations based on longitude and latitude.
It calculates distance between two locations.
It uses the “haversine” formula to calculate the great-circle distance between two points — that is, the shortest distance over the earth’s surface — giving an “as-the-crow-flies” distance between the points.
a = sin²( Δφ / 2 ) + cos φ1 × cos φ2 × sin²( Δλ / 2 )
c = 2 × atan2( √a, √( 1 − a ) )
d = R × c
is latitude,
is longitude,
is the earth’s radius (mean radius = 6371 km).
- PHP 7.2 or higher.
The package could be installed with composer:
composer require roslov/location
Validator allows to check data in any format. For example, when data is an object:
use Roslov\Location\LocationCalculator;
$locationCalculator = new LocationCalculator();
$distance = $locationCalculator->getDistance(49.841905, 24.031511, 50.450885, 30.522798);
echo $distance; // 467.32327173219