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Refactor to say ROSTime instead of PlayerTime, add time conversion he…
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…lper functions to match design

Signed-off-by: Emerson Knapp <[email protected]>
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Emerson Knapp committed Mar 30, 2021
1 parent eeb03ac commit 261fd11
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Showing 4 changed files with 53 additions and 43 deletions.
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions rosbag2_cpp/include/rosbag2_cpp/player_clock.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <memory>

#include "rcutils/time.h"
#include "rosbag2_cpp/visibility_control.hpp"

namespace rosbag2_cpp
Expand All @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ class PlayerClock
// Type representing the current time as according to the playback
typedef rcutils_time_point_value_t PlayerTimePoint;
typedef rcutils_time_point_value_t ROSTimePoint;
* Type representing an arbitrary steady time, used to measure real-time durations
* This type is never exposed by the PlayerClock - it is only used as input for internal
Expand All @@ -55,17 +56,20 @@ class PlayerClock
* Used to control for unit testing, or for specialized needs
* \throws std::runtime_error if rate is <= 0
PlayerTimePoint starting_time,
ROSTimePoint starting_time,
double rate = 1.0,
NowFunction now_fn = std::chrono::steady_clock::now);

virtual ~PlayerClock();

* Calculate and return current PlayerTimePoint based on starting time, playback rate, pause state.
* Calculate and return current ROSTimePoint based on starting time, playback rate, pause state.
PlayerTimePoint now() const;
ROSTimePoint now() const;

* Try to sleep (non-busy) the current thread until the provided time is reached - according to this Clock
Expand All @@ -74,11 +78,13 @@ class PlayerClock
* for the appropriate duration.
* The user should not take action based on this sleep until it returns true.
bool sleep_until(PlayerTimePoint until);
bool sleep_until(ROSTimePoint until);

* Return the current playback rate.
double get_rate() const;

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72 changes: 38 additions & 34 deletions rosbag2_cpp/src/rosbag2_cpp/player_clock.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -16,74 +16,77 @@
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>

#include "rcpputils/thread_safety_annotations.hpp"
#include "rosbag2_cpp/player_clock.hpp"
#include "rosbag2_cpp/types.hpp"


* Stores an exact time match between a system steady clock and the semantic play clock.
* This is created whenever a factor changes such that a new base reference is needed
* such as pause, resume, rate change, or jump
struct TimeSync
rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::PlayerTimePoint player_time;
rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::SteadyTimePoint steady_time;

template<typename T>
rcutils_duration_value_t duration_nanos(const T & duration)
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(duration).count();

} // namespace

namespace rosbag2_cpp

class PlayerClockImpl
* Stores an exact time match between a system steady clock and the playback ROS clock.
* This is created whenever a factor changes such that a new base reference is needed
* such as pause, resume, rate change, or jump
struct TimeReference
PlayerClock::ROSTimePoint ros;
PlayerClock::SteadyTimePoint steady;

PlayerClockImpl() = default;

TimeSync reference;
template<typename T>
rcutils_duration_value_t duration_nanos(const T & duration)
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(duration).count();

PlayerClock::ROSTimePoint steady_to_ros(PlayerClock::SteadyTimePoint steady_time)
return reference.ros + (rate * duration_nanos(steady_time - reference.steady));

PlayerClock::SteadyTimePoint ros_to_steady(PlayerClock::ROSTimePoint ros_time)
const rcutils_duration_value_t diff_nanos = (ros_time - reference.ros) / rate;
return reference.steady + std::chrono::nanoseconds(diff_nanos);

double rate = 1.0;
PlayerClock::NowFunction now_fn;
std::mutex mutex;
TimeReference reference RCPPUTILS_TSA_GUARDED_BY(mutex);

PlayerClock::PlayerClock(PlayerTimePoint starting_time, double rate, NowFunction now_fn)
PlayerClock::PlayerClock(ROSTimePoint starting_time, double rate, NowFunction now_fn)
: impl_(std::make_unique<PlayerClockImpl>())
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(impl_->mutex);
impl_->now_fn = now_fn;
impl_->reference.player_time = starting_time;
impl_->reference.steady_time = impl_->now_fn();
impl_->reference.ros = starting_time;
impl_->reference.steady = impl_->now_fn();
impl_->rate = rate;


PlayerClock::PlayerTimePoint PlayerClock::now() const
PlayerClock::ROSTimePoint PlayerClock::now() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(impl_->mutex);
const auto steady_diff = impl_->now_fn() - impl_->reference.steady_time;
const int64_t player_diff = duration_nanos(steady_diff) * impl_->rate;
return impl_->reference.player_time + player_diff;
return impl_->steady_to_ros(impl_->now_fn());

bool PlayerClock::sleep_until(PlayerTimePoint until)
bool PlayerClock::sleep_until(ROSTimePoint until)
SteadyTimePoint steady_until;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(impl_->mutex);
const rcutils_duration_value_t diff_nanos =
(until - impl_->reference.player_time) / impl_->rate;
steady_until = impl_->reference.steady_time + std::chrono::nanoseconds(diff_nanos);
steady_until = impl_->ros_to_steady(until);
// TODO(emersonknapp) - when we have methods that can change timeflow during a sleep,
// it will probably be better to use a condition_variable::wait_until
Expand All @@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ bool PlayerClock::sleep_until(PlayerTimePoint until)

double PlayerClock::get_rate() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(impl_->mutex);
return impl_->rate;

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions rosbag2_cpp/test/rosbag2_cpp/test_player_clock.cpp
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using namespace testing; // NOLINT
using SteadyTimePoint = rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::SteadyTimePoint;
using PlayerTimePoint = rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::PlayerTimePoint;
using ROSTimePoint = rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::ROSTimePoint;
using NowFunction = rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::NowFunction;

PlayerTimePoint as_nanos(const SteadyTimePoint & time)
ROSTimePoint as_nanos(const SteadyTimePoint & time)
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(time.time_since_epoch()).count();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ TEST(PlayerClock, nonzero_start_time)
NowFunction now_fn = [&return_time]() {
return return_time;
const PlayerTimePoint start_time = 1234567890LL;
const ROSTimePoint start_time = 1234567890LL;
rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock pclock(start_time, 1.0, now_fn);

EXPECT_EQ(, start_time);
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rosbag2_transport/src/rosbag2_transport/player.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void Player::play(const PlayOptions & options)
// Initialize Clock
rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::PlayerTimePoint time_first_message;
rosbag2_cpp::PlayerClock::ROSTimePoint time_first_message;
float rate = 1.0;

if (options.rate > 0.0) {
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