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Merge pull request #94 from rootless-containers/dependabot/go_modules… #181

Merge pull request #94 from rootless-containers/dependabot/go_modules…

Merge pull request #94 from rootless-containers/dependabot/go_modules… #181

Workflow file for this run

name: Test
- master
- main
- release/**
- dev
pull_request: null
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
timeout-minutes: 20
- uses: actions/[email protected]
fetch-depth: 1
- uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: 1.22.x
- run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libseccomp-dev
- name: golangci-lint
uses: golangci/[email protected]
version: v1.56.2
args: --verbose
name: create-lxc-image
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
timeout-minutes: 10
- uses: actions/[email protected]
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: cache-restore
key: lxc-image-base-${{ hashFiles('go.sum', 'test/') }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
lookup-only: true
- name: setup lxd
id: s1
if: steps.cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: ./test/
- name: launch lxc container
id: s2
if: steps.s1.conclusion == 'success'
run: ./test/
- name: install dependencies and build
id: s3
if: steps.s2.conclusion == 'success'
run: sudo lxc exec test -- sudo --login --user ubuntu /host/test/
- name: export image
id: s4
if: steps.s3.conclusion == 'success'
run: ./test/ test
- uses: actions/cache/save@v4
id: s5
if: steps.s4.conclusion == 'success'
key: lxc-image-base-${{ hashFiles('go.sum', 'test/') }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: create-lxc-image
timeout-minutes: 20
- uses: actions/[email protected]
- name: setup lxd
run: ./test/
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: cache-restore
key: lxc-image-base-${{ hashFiles('go.sum', 'test/') }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
fail-on-cache-miss: true
- name: load lxc image
run: sudo lxc image import /tmp/test-image.tar.zst --alias test-export
- name: launch lxc container
run: ./test/ test-export
- name: run test
run: sudo lxc exec test -- sudo --login --user ubuntu /bin/bash -c "sleep 3 && /home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/test/ SYNC"
# some source codes may be updated. re-export new image.
- name: export image
run: sudo lxc image alias delete test-export && rm -f /tmp/test-image.tar.zst && ./test/ test
- uses: actions/cache/save@v4
key: lxc-image-${{ github.sha }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
#- name: debug
# run: ./
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: test
timeout-minutes: 20
script: ["iperf3/iperf3_host", "iperf3/iperf3", "postgres/postgres", "redis/redis", "block/block", "memcached/memcached", "rabbitmq/rabbitmq", "etcd/etcd", "mysql/mysql"]
- uses: actions/[email protected]
- name: setup lxd
run: ./test/
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: cache-restore
key: lxc-image-${{ github.sha }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
fail-on-cache-miss: true
- name: load lxc image
run: sudo lxc image import /tmp/test-image.tar.zst --alias test-export
- name: launch lxc container
run: ./test/ test-export
- name: run benchmark (${{ matrix.script }})
run: sudo lxc exec test -- sudo --login --user ubuntu /bin/bash -c "sleep 3 && /home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}.sh"
- name: upload plot
id: get_plot
if: matrix.script != 'iperf3/iperf3_host'
run: |
mkdir /tmp/benchmark-results
sudo lxc file pull test/home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-rootful-direct.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
sudo lxc file pull test/home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-rootful-host.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
sudo lxc file pull test/home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-wo-b4ns-direct.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
sudo lxc file pull test/home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-wo-b4ns-host.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
sudo lxc file pull test/home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
if: steps.get_plot.conclusion == 'success'
name: benchmark-results
path: /tmp/benchmark-results
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: test
timeout-minutes: 20
script: ["iperf3/iperf3", "postgres/postgres", "redis/redis", "block/block", "memcached/memcached", "rabbitmq/rabbitmq", "etcd/etcd", "mysql/mysql"]
- uses: actions/[email protected]
- name: setup lxd
run: ./test/
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: cache-restore
key: lxc-image-${{ github.sha }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
fail-on-cache-miss: true
- name: load lxc image
run: sudo lxc image import /tmp/test-image.tar.zst --alias test-export
- name: launch lxc container
run: ./test/ test-export
- name: run benchmark (${{ matrix.script }})
run: ./benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}
- name: upload plot
run: |
mkdir /tmp/benchmark-results
cp benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-multinode-rootful.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
cp benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-multinode-wo-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
cp benchmark/${{ matrix.script }}-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-results/.
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: benchmark-results
path: /tmp/benchmark-results
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: [benchmark, benchmark-multinode]
timeout-minutes: 10
- uses: actions/[email protected]
- run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
- run: pip3 install matplotlib numpy
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: benchmark-results
path: ./
- run: mkdir /tmp/benchmark-plots
- run: python3 benchmark/redis/ redis-rootful-direct.log redis-rootful-host.log redis-wo-b4ns-direct.log redis-wo-b4ns-host.log redis-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/redis.png
- run: python3 benchmark/redis/ redis-multinode-rootful.log redis-multinode-wo-b4ns.log redis-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/redis-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/iperf3/ iperf3-rootful-direct.log iperf3-rootful-host.log iperf3-wo-b4ns-direct.log iperf3-wo-b4ns-host.log iperf3-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/iperf3.png
- run: python3 benchmark/iperf3/ iperf3-multinode-rootful.log iperf3-multinode-wo-b4ns.log iperf3-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/iperf3-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/postgres/ postgres-rootful-direct.log postgres-rootful-host.log postgres-wo-b4ns-direct.log postgres-wo-b4ns-host.log postgres-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/postgres.png
- run: python3 benchmark/postgres/ postgres-multinode-rootful.log postgres-multinode-wo-b4ns.log postgres-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/postgres-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/block/ block-rootful-direct.log block-rootful-host.log block-wo-b4ns-direct.log block-wo-b4ns-host.log block-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/block.png
- run: python3 benchmark/block/ block-multinode-rootful.log block-multinode-wo-b4ns.log block-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/block-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/memcached/ memcached-rootful-direct.log memcached-rootful-host.log memcached-wo-b4ns-direct.log memcached-wo-b4ns-host.log memcached-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/memcached.png
- run: python3 benchmark/memcached/ memcached-multinode-rootful.log memcached-multinode-wo-b4ns.log memcached-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/memcached-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/rabbitmq/ rabbitmq-rootful-direct.log rabbitmq-rootful-host.log rabbitmq-wo-b4ns-direct.log rabbitmq-wo-b4ns-host.log rabbitmq-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/rabbitmq.png
- run: python3 benchmark/rabbitmq/ rabbitmq-multinode-rootful.log rabbitmq-multinode-wo-b4ns.log rabbitmq-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/rabbitmq-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/etcd/ etcd-rootful-direct.log etcd-rootful-host.log etcd-wo-b4ns-direct.log etcd-wo-b4ns-host.log etcd-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/etcd.png
- run: python3 benchmark/etcd/ etcd-multinode-rootful.log etcd-multinode-wo-b4ns.log etcd-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/etcd-multinode.png
- run: python3 benchmark/mysql/ mysql-rootful-direct.log mysql-rootful-host.log mysql-wo-b4ns-direct.log mysql-wo-b4ns-host.log mysql-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/mysql.png
- run: python3 benchmark/mysql/ mysql-multinode-rootful.log mysql-multinode-wo-b4ns.log mysql-multinode-w-b4ns.log /tmp/benchmark-plots/mysql-multinode.png
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: benchmark-plots
path: /tmp/benchmark-plots
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
needs: test
timeout-minutes: 60
- uses: actions/[email protected]
# thanks to
- name: cleanup
run: |
sudo rm -rf "/opt/*" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/share/dotnet" || true
sudo rm -rf "$AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/lib/android" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/boost" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/lib/jvm" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/share/swift" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/julia*" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/share/kotlinc" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/edge_driver" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/chromedriver-linux64" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/gecko_driver" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/share/miniconda" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/phantomjs*" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/share/sbt" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/sqlpackage" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/bin/yq" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/vcpkg" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/terraform" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/stack" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/aliyun" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/pulumi" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/pulumi-language-dotnet" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/azcopy" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/aws-cli" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/bicep" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/rebar3" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/phpunit" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/packer" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/bicep" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose" || true
sudo rm -rf "$HOME/.dotnet/tools" || true
sudo rm -rf "/etc/skel/.dotnet/tools" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/minikube" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/kustomize" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/kubectl" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/kind" || true
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/helm"
sudo docker image prune --all --force
sudo npm uninstall bazel
rustup self uninstall -y
sudo apt purge ansible aria2 azure-cli cabal* clang* \
dotnet-sdk* ghc* google-chrome-stable kubectl mysql* \
node* npm* php* powershell rpm ruby* subversion yarn \
firefox mono-complete nuget apache2 moby-engine moby-cli \
moby-buildx moby-compose microsoft-edge-stable mongodb* \
nginx postgresql* libpq-dev r-base sphinxsearch swig \
tcl temurin-* skopeo imagemagick-* mssql-tools* unixodbc-dev \
ubuntu-advantage-tools docker-* fonts-* llvm-* javascript-common \
openjdk-11-jre-headless linux-cloud-tools* linux-azure-6.2-* \
hicolor-icon-theme gcc-9 gcc-10 gcc-11 gcc-12 cloud-initramfs* \
x11-* bind9-* cloud-* gir1.2-* golang-github-* libjs-* libllvm* \
nano podman buildah skopeo \
-yq > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
sudo apt-get autoremove -y > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
sudo apt-get autoclean -y > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
df -h
- name: setup lxd
run: ./test/
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: cache-restore
key: lxc-image-${{ github.sha }}
path: /tmp/test-image.tar.zst
fail-on-cache-miss: true
- name: load lxc image
run: sudo lxc image import /tmp/test-image.tar.zst --alias test-export
- name: launch lxc container
run: ./test/ test-export
- name: run benchmark (all)
run: sudo lxc exec test -- sudo --login --user ubuntu /bin/bash -c "sleep 3 && /home/ubuntu/bypass4netns/benchmark/"