because your compnents look a little more human if they were hand drawn!
reimplements wired-js in pure React. This component library is in ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT and is seeking contribution help.
Known bugs:
- the slider is known to be buggy. for some reason it becomes somwhat unresponsive after the initial interaction. have to figure out what is wrong.
this list is from - we need help on finishing off the rest. does not use react-polymer because i dont really know polymer
- checkbox
- button
- slider
- menu-bar
- menu-item
- icon-button (not doing this for now because iron-icon)
- textarea
- input
- listbox
- toggle
- radio
- radio-group
- combo
- card
- item
- progress
- spinner
npm install --save react-wired
this code below generates the screenshot you saw above
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ExampleComponent, {
} from "react-wired";
export default class App extends Component {
state = {
toggle: true,
value: "",
counter: 0
toggleState = () => this.setState({ toggle: !this.state.toggle, counter: this.state.counter + 1 });
handleChange = e => this.setState({ value: });
render() {
const { toggle, value, counter } = this.state;
return (
<div className="demoAppLayout">
<ExampleComponent text="Wired.JS components in React" />
<WiredButton text="hello" elevation={1} onClick={() => alert("hi")} />
<WiredButton text="this toggles the states below" elevation={2} onClick={this.toggleState} />
<WiredButton text="alerts 'hi' " elevation={3} disabled={toggle} onClick={() => alert("hi")} />
<WiredInput placeholder="potato" disabled={toggle} onChange={e => console.log(} />
<WiredRadio checked={toggle} onClick={this.toggleState} text="radio that works" />
<WiredRadio checked={toggle} disabled onClick={this.toggleState} text="disabled radio " />
<WiredToggle checked={toggle} onClick={this.toggleState} /> test
<WiredToggle checked={toggle} disabled onClick={this.toggleState} /> test
<WiredCheckBox checked={toggle} onClick={this.toggleState} text="text" />
<WiredCheckBox checked={toggle} disabled onClick={this.toggleState} text="text" />
<WiredSpinner active={toggle} />
<WiredSpinner active={toggle} thickness={2} />
<WiredTextArea placeholder="placeholder" value={value} onChange={this.handleChange} />
<WiredTextArea placeholder="Enter text" rows="3" value={value} onChange={this.handleChange} />
<WiredTextArea value={value} rows="2" disabled onChange={this.handleChange} />
<WiredProgress max={50} min={0} progressLabel="%" value={counter} percentage />
<WiredProgress max={100} min={0} progressLabel="potato" value={counter} />
This exact code can be seen in this repo itself inside /example
where there is a create-react-app instance that uses the local build of react-wired
- see dev instructions
for publishing to npm, not for immediate use in other projects
# run example to start developing your new component against
npm link # the link commands are important for local development
# npm install # first time only; also, disregard any warnings about missing peer dependencies
npm start # runs rollup with watch flag
# (in another tab, run the example create-react-app)
cd example
npm link react-wired
# npm install # first time only
npm start # runs create-react-app hot-reload dev server
MIT © sw-yx
scaffolded with the amazing create-react-library