This configuration provisions infrastructure on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform to demonstrate the cross-provider provisioning functionality available in Terraform.
For AWS: uses modules from the Terraform Module Registry to provision a VPC, the necessary networking components and an auto scaling group across multiple AZs. The associated launch configuration launches three instances of the latest Amazon Linux AMI then installs httpd and a custom landing page via a user data script.
For Google: uses locally defined resources to provision a Managed Instance Group in the default VPC and network, spanning multiple zones. The group configuration launches three VMs running CentOS 7 then installs httpd and a custom landing page via a startup script.
The regions chosen for this demo are hardcoded to AWS eu-west-1 and GCP us-west1
20 minutes.
An AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key should be configured on the host running this Terraform configuration. Environment variables are one way to achieve this, eg:
See the 'Configuring the AWS CLI' documentation for guidance
Google credentials should be present on the host running this Terraform configuration. Environment variables are one way to acieve this, eg:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/google_credentials.json
See the 'Getting Started with Authentication' GCP documentation for guidance
Initialise Terraform to download the required dependencies:
terraform init
Execute a plan of the Terraform configuration:
terraform plan -out=1.tfplan
Execute an apply of the Terraform configuration:
terraform apply 1.tfplan
To destroy the resources provisioned in this example run:
terraform plan -out=d.tfplan -destroy
terraform apply d.tfplan