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API demo for a mock blogging platform built with Express.js, using the MRC pattern. Uses mongoose as ODM library to a MongoDB database. Includes winston/morgan for logging, mocha/chai for testing, jsonwebtoken for auth, and bcrypt for encryption. CI is set up with GitHub Actions and Docker.


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Model-Router-Controller Pattern Express.js Blogging Platform Website API

A RESTful API built with Express.js, following the Model-Router-Controller (MRC) pattern, for a mock blogging platform. This application handles user authentication, blogging, commenting, and message-sending functionality.


  • User Management: Registration, login, and profile updates
  • Blog Management: Create, update, delete, and comment on blog posts
  • Admin Dashboard: Admin users can moderation messages and comments.
  • Messaging System: Users can send messages to the admin via a contact form
  • Logging & Testing: Integrated logging and testing functionalities
  • Role-based Authorization: Specific routes are accessible only to authorized roles


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone blogging-platform-api
cd blogging-platform-api
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run the application:
npm run start


To run tests:

npm test

All tests are located in test/test.js.


  • User: Stores user account information.
  • Blog: Stores blog information and associated comments.
  • Message: Stores messages sent by users to the admin (reviews, suggestions, etc.).


Core Dependencies

  • express: Web application framework for Node.js, used to build RESTful APIs.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool, providing schema-based data modeling and connection management.
  • bcrypt: Library for hashing passwords, enhancing security by encrypting sensitive data.
  • cors: Middleware to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, allowing your API to handle requests from different origins.
  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file, helping manage configuration securely.
  • jsonwebtoken: Implements JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication.
  • morgan: HTTP request logger middleware, used for logging request details.
  • winston: Logging library providing various transport options for log management.

Dev Dependencies

  • mocha: Test framework for Node.js, used to run unit and integration tests.
  • chai: Assertion library to support a variety of test assertions.
  • chai-http: Extends Chai for HTTP integration tests, used to test API endpoints.

API Routes Overview

User Routes

  • GET / - Retrieve logged-in user details.
  • PATCH / - Update logged-in user details.
  • POST /register - Register a new user.
  • POST /login - Login an existing user.

Message Routes

  • GET / - Admin access to retrieve all messages.
  • POST / - Send a "Contact Us" message.
  • PATCH /:messageId - Mark a message as read (admin only).

Blog Routes

  • GET / - Retrieve blogs created by the logged-in user.
  • POST / - Create a new blog post.
  • GET /all - Retrieve all blogs.
  • GET /:blogId - Retrieve a specific blog by ID.
  • POST /:blogId - Add a comment to a blog post.
  • PATCH /:blogId - Update a blog post.
  • DELETE /:blogId - Delete a blog post.
  • PATCH /:blogId/:commentId - Update a comment.
  • DELETE /:blogId/:commentId - Delete a comment

Sample Registered Credentials

Use these sample users to test the API:

  • Non-admin User:
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "pAs$w0rd"
  • Admin User:
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "pAs$w0rd"

Continuous Integration

A GitHub Actions workflow using Docker is set up for continuous integration.


This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


API demo for a mock blogging platform built with Express.js, using the MRC pattern. Uses mongoose as ODM library to a MongoDB database. Includes winston/morgan for logging, mocha/chai for testing, jsonwebtoken for auth, and bcrypt for encryption. CI is set up with GitHub Actions and Docker.





