An Animated Submit Button. Works on both android and IOS.
- folds when in progress
- expands back when its ready
- git clone
- cd example
- npm install
- react-native link
- react-native run-ios
- npm install --save react-native-submit-button
- if RN > 0.29
react-native link
elsernpm link
import SubmitButton from 'react-native-submit-button';
class SubmitButtonExample extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<SubmitButton />
Property | Type | Default | Description |
primaryColor | string |
rgb(30, 205, 151) |
optional user-defined primary color |
secondaryColor | string |
white |
optional user-defined secondary color |
buttonState | string |
normal |
button state can be one of normal , success , error |
width | number |
180 | optional user-defined width for button |
height | number |
54 | optional user-defined height for button |
buttonText | string |
'Submit' | optional user-defined text on button |
buttonTextWhenReady | string |
optional user-defined text on button when success (either provide this or give iconName to be shown once submitted successfully ) , this will get priority over icon name | |
iconName | string |
'check' | optional any icon name from fontello icons , to be shown once we got success. |
textStyle | object |
optional text styles to override existing styles | |
buttonStyle | object |
optional button styles to override existing styles | |
animationDuration | number |
200 | number in ms . Time to fold button. |
errorColor | string |
#ff6666 |
error color |
onSubmit | function |
function to call on button press | |
onSuccess | function |
function to call on success | |
onError | function |
function to call on error |
- MIT. © Ronak Kothari