Application which sends an e-mail at regular intervals. An Gmail App password needs to be created: The application uses the password to send an e-mail to a recipient. The application is available as a Docker container to run locally or in the cloud as an Azure Function App. The whole infrastructure is managed by Terraform. CICD is done using Azure DevOps.
python -m venv ~/virtualenvs/eteck
pip install -r requirements.txt
source ~/virtualenvs/eteck/Scripts/activate
activate ~/virtualenvs/eteck/bin/activate
Azure CLI: Terraform CLI: Docker:
Build and push Docker container so that it can be used in function app.
Build: docker build -f docker/functions/Dockerfile -t mail:latest .
Login: az acr login --name myregistry
Tag: docker tag mail:latest
Push: docker push
Or run the Azure DevOps build pipeline.
cd infra
terraform init
az login terraform
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file ../config/dev.tfvars.json
terraform apply -var-file ../config/dev.tfvars.json -auto-approve
Install all from: Such as:
pip install pre-commit pylint checkov
choco install terraform-docs tflint tfsec infracost
(as admin)
pre-commit install
If you like to use the latest version of the pre-commit hooks: pre-commit autoupdate