Arduino library for building "real" cockpit/panel with X-Plane and Arduino board.
I use it to build my own "cockpit", an Beechcraft Baron 58 "cockpit" (Still work in progress) :
Instruments display not done with this library
The library documentation can be found on
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "src/RomgereCockpit/Application/CockpitMainApplication.h"
#include "src/RomgereCockpit/CommunicationInterface/EthernetInterface.h"
#include "src/RomgereCockpit/ArduinoControl/AllControlInclude.h"
CockpitMainApplication *cockpitApp;
EthernetInterface *ethernetInterface;
void setup()
//Create & start Ethernet interface + Create app with our Eternet interface
byte arduinoMAC[6] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xEA, 0xED };
ethernetInterface = new EthernetInterface( 49001, 49000, { 192, 168, 1, 97 }, arduinoMAC, { 192, 168, 1, 21 });
cockpitApp = new CockpitMainApplication( ethernetInterface);
//Gear toggle switch on PIN 44
cockpitApp->RegisterInputControl( new ArduinoToggleSwitchControl(44),
new XPlaneSimpleCommand("sim/flight_controls/landing_gear_down"),
new XPlaneSimpleCommand("sim/flight_controls/landing_gear_up"));
//Gear Indicator on PIN 32, 34, 36 & 38
cockpitApp->RegisterOutputControl( new ArduinoLEDControl(32,0),
new XPlaneInputData(67, 0));
cockpitApp->RegisterOutputControl( new ArduinoLEDControl(34,0),
new XPlaneInputData(67, 1));
cockpitApp->RegisterOutputControl( new ArduinoLEDControl(36,0),
new XPlaneInputData(67, 2));
cockpitApp->RegisterOutputControl( new ArduinoLEDControl(38),
new XPlaneInputData(67),
//Transformation function for "Gear in transit" indicator
//All gear down (1) or up (0) => turn off (return 0), turn on (return 1) otherwise
float inTransitGearManageFunction( float *val){
return (( val[0] == 1 && val[1] == 1 && val[2] == 1 ) || ( val[0] == 0 && val[1] == 0 && val[2] == 0 )) ? 0 : 1;
void loop()
This sample come from Sample0.ino file. Find more example in "example" folder
For more example, please see "example" folder.
- Translate comment and other text
- Change all file header
- Modify folder and tree to something like lib / test / example / doc...
- Add "this->" on some methods calls
- Re-indent all pre-compilation conditional blocks
- Change example and delete all FSX references
- Write doc and Readme
- Test and Fix Master/Slave board mode
- Create example for master/slave
- Add some "todos" and/or open issues
- Implements DREF
- Implements DATA command support
- Implements input analog control
- Implements output analog control
- X-plane 11 support
This library is under the MIT license.
For the whole copyright, please see the LICENSE file.