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Kotlin solution for day 23
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romain-gaillard committed Dec 23, 2021
1 parent 424ed33 commit f37b7d2
Showing 1 changed file with 184 additions and 0 deletions.
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions kotlin/day23.main.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
import kotlin.math.abs

val destinationsA = listOf(Pair(1, 2), Pair(2, 2))
val destinationsB = listOf(Pair(1, 4), Pair(2, 4))
val destinationsC = listOf(Pair(1, 6), Pair(2, 6))
val destinationsD = listOf(Pair(1, 8), Pair(2, 8))
val destinationsAPartTwo = listOf(Pair(1, 2), Pair(2, 2), Pair(3, 2), Pair(4, 2))
val destinationsBPartTwo = listOf(Pair(1, 4), Pair(2, 4), Pair(3, 4), Pair(4, 4))
val destinationsCPartTwo = listOf(Pair(1, 6), Pair(2, 6), Pair(3, 6), Pair(4, 6))
val destinationsDPartTwo = listOf(Pair(1, 8), Pair(2, 8), Pair(3, 8), Pair(4, 8))
val costFactor = mapOf('A' to 1, 'B' to 10, 'C' to 100, 'D' to 1000)
val hallWay = listOf(Pair(0, 0), Pair(0, 1), Pair(0, 3), Pair(0, 5), Pair(0, 7), Pair(0, 9), Pair(0, 10))

class Amphipod(val type: Char, var moves: Int) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$type:$moves"

fun parseInput(lines: List<String>, map: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, Amphipod>, partTwo: Boolean) {
for(row in lines.indices) {
val line = lines[row]
if (row < 2 || row > 3)

var column = 0
for(c in line) {
if (c == 'A' || c == 'B' || c == 'C' || c == 'D') {
val insRow = if (partTwo && row == 3) 4 else row - 1
val insCol = column - 1
map[Pair(insRow, insCol)] = Amphipod(c, 0)


if (partTwo) {
map[Pair(2, 2)] = Amphipod('D', 0)
map[Pair(2, 4)] = Amphipod('C', 0)
map[Pair(2, 6)] = Amphipod('B', 0)
map[Pair(2, 8)] = Amphipod('A', 0)
map[Pair(3, 2)] = Amphipod('D', 0)
map[Pair(3, 4)] = Amphipod('B', 0)
map[Pair(3, 6)] = Amphipod('A', 0)
map[Pair(3, 8)] = Amphipod('C', 0)

fun isDone(map: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, Amphipod>, partTwo: Boolean): Boolean {
val checkA = if (partTwo) destinationsAPartTwo else destinationsA
val checkB = if (partTwo) destinationsBPartTwo else destinationsB
val checkC = if (partTwo) destinationsCPartTwo else destinationsC
val checkD = if (partTwo) destinationsDPartTwo else destinationsD

for (amphipod in map) {
when (amphipod.value.type) {
'A' -> if(amphipod.key !in checkA) return false
'B' -> if(amphipod.key !in checkB) return false
'C' -> if(amphipod.key !in checkC) return false
'D' -> if(amphipod.key !in checkD) return false

return true

fun costMove(map: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, Amphipod>, source: Pair<Int, Int>, destination: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
if (destination in map)
return -1

var cost = 0
var currentRow = source.first
var currentCol = source.second

if (source in hallWay) {
// Bring to correct column
var step = if(source.second <= destination.second) 1 else - 1
for (i in 0 until abs(source.second - destination.second)) {
currentCol += step
if (Pair(currentRow, currentCol) in map)
return -1
// Bring to correct row
step = if(source.first <= destination.first) 1 else - 1
for (i in 0 until abs(source.first - destination.first)) {
currentRow += step
if (Pair(currentRow, currentCol) in map)
return -1
} else {
// Bring to correct row
var step = if(source.first <= destination.first) 1 else - 1
for (i in 0 until abs(source.first - destination.first)) {
currentRow += step
if (Pair(currentRow, currentCol) in map)
return -1
// Bring to correct column
step = if(source.second <= destination.second) 1 else - 1
for (i in 0 until abs(source.second - destination.second)) {
currentCol += step
if (Pair(currentRow, currentCol) in map)
return -1

return cost

fun nextMove(map: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, Amphipod>, cost: Int, costs: MutableList<Int>, partTwo: Boolean) {
if (costs.size > 0 && cost > costs.first())
if (isDone(map, partTwo)) {
for (i in 1 until costs.size)

val destsA = if (partTwo) destinationsAPartTwo else destinationsA
val destsB = if (partTwo) destinationsBPartTwo else destinationsB
val destsC = if (partTwo) destinationsCPartTwo else destinationsC
val destsD = if (partTwo) destinationsDPartTwo else destinationsD

for (amphipod in map) {
if (amphipod.value.moves >= 2)

if (amphipod.key in hallWay) {
// Go to its destination
val dest = when (amphipod.value.type) {
'A' -> destsA
'B' -> destsB
'C' -> destsC
'D' -> destsD
else -> null

for (d in dest) {
val costMove = costMove(map, amphipod.key, d)

if(costMove == -1)
if (costMove != -1) {
val newMap = map.toMutableMap()
newMap[d] = Amphipod(amphipod.value.type, amphipod.value.moves + 1)
nextMove(newMap, cost + costMove * costFactor[amphipod.value.type]!!, costs, partTwo)
} else {
for (d in hallWay) {
val costMove = costMove(map, amphipod.key, d)
if (costMove != -1) {
val newMap = map.toMutableMap()
newMap[d] = Amphipod(amphipod.value.type, amphipod.value.moves + 1)
nextMove(newMap, cost + costMove * costFactor[amphipod.value.type]!!, costs, partTwo)

var map = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Amphipod>()
var costs = mutableListOf<Int>()

val fileName = if (args.isNotEmpty()) args[0] else "day23.txt"
val lines = File(fileName).readLines()

parseInput(lines, map, false)
nextMove(map, 0, costs, false)
// Part 2 calculated by hand :(
// This algorithm was way too slow and in the end, I managed to get the answer manually before it even returned
// Not sure if it can be improved by pruning or if it's just too naive to work for the solution space of part 2

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