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Custom JSON builder (v2)

Fake json responses with custom fields on the fly


A simple query like this


will respond with json like:

  "name": "Alexa",
  "email": "[email protected]"

All the methods are supported in the same API: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE

Pattern Guide



key: value

It is like writing regular json


Simple example

I want an object with a key name and a random word as value

{name: string}

The server will respond with data like

  "name": "vm2sgdbmf2e7mmbc8502w8q"

Multiple values

Now I need a json response with id, name and email

{id:number, name:string, email:email}

The server will respond with data like

  "id": 49994,
  "name": "Mission",
  "email": "[email protected]"

Nested object

I want an object with a userId, a name and a nested object contact which contains phone and email.

The pattern should be:

{userId: number, name: firstname, contact: {phone: number, email: email}}

The server will respond with data like

  "userId": 94781,
  "name": "Maria",
  "contact": {
    "phone": 88885,
    "email": "[email protected]"

Doubly nested object

Lets try something more complex. I want an object with userId, name, a nested object with contact that contains phone and email with nested content personal_email and company_email

{userId: number, name: firstname, contact: {phone: number, email: {personal_email: email, company_email: email}}}

(better visualization)

    userId: number,
    name: firstname,
    contact: {
        phone: number,
        email: {
            personal_email: email,
            company_email: email

The server will respond with data like

  "userId": 7316,
  "name": "discrete",
  "contact": {
    "phone": 14357,
    "email": {
      "personal_email": "[email protected]",
      "company_email": "[email protected]"

Array response

I want 3 posts with id and title

To get an array response just add key _times:NUMBER, were number is the number of elements that i want in the array.

{posts: {id: number, title: string, _times: 3}}

And the server will respond with data like

  "posts": [
      "id": 65450,
      "title": "vs4brxz5497yggxg80wvy"
      "id": 11251,
      "title": "v6tfhr591s3isajey067j3l"
      "id": 89704,
      "title": "vs3q84xh8nmdcp87w2c9ax8"


post title

    postTitle: title

will generate

  "postTitle": "Rerum odio quam."

user email

    user_email: email

will generate

  "user_email": "[email protected]"

Data types

In the current version we support these data types:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • null
  • undefined
  • empty (empty string "")
  • true (always generate true)
  • false (always generate false)
  • name
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • age (number between 1-99)
  • age18 (number between 18-99)
  • agekid (number between 1-18)
  • username
  • email
  • password
  • uuid
  • title
  • text
  • word
  • words
  • paragraph
  • paragraphs
  • date


Install via npm

npm install customjsonbuilder --save-dev

React usage example using builder

import customjsonbuilder from 'customjsonbuilder'

const pattern = `
        posts: {
            title: string,
            _times: 3
const fakePosts = customjsonbuilder(pattern)
export function Posts() {
  const [posts] = useState(fakePosts.posts)
  return (
      { => (

Node example

// index.js
let customjsonbuilder = require('customjsonbuilder')
let fake = customjsonbuilder('{name:string}')
// run on terminal "node index.js"

Express example

Create your own custom fake server and use customjsobuilder to generate fake data

let express = require('express')
let app = express()
let customjsonbuilder = require('customjsonbuilder')
app.get('/posts', (req, res) => {
  let posts = `
            posts: {
                id: number,
                title: string,
                _times: 3
  let response = customjsonbuilder(posts)
app.listen('8200', '')
console.log(`Running on`)

Local Installation

Clone the project or download the zip file

Go to the folder

cd customjsonbuilder

Run fake api on Node

Install dependencies

npm install

Launch the server

npm start
// or with a custom port
PORT=4545 npm start

It will prompt

Running on

Open the browser and visit the link

Now query some fake data from your React, Angular, Vue or any external project.{name:string,email:email}

Awesome examples

  • Basic
    name: string
  "name": "Ergonomic Concrete Pants"
  • User information
    userId: number,
    username: username,
    name: firstname,
    email: email
  "userId": 89330,
  "username": "Filomena_Bogisich",
  "name": "port",
  "email": "[email protected]"
  • User last 3 posts
    data: {
        user_id: number,
        posts: {
            post_id: number,
            title: title,
            post_resume: paragraph,
            views_number: number,
            comments_number: number,
            _times: 3
  "data": {
    "user_id": 26027,
    "posts": [
        "post_id": 7375,
        "title": "Velit enim et quod distinctio.",
        "post_resume": "Quo dolores ...",
        "views_number": 13545,
        "comments_number": 20335
        "post_id": 25141,
        "title": "Consequatur ut illum nobis et.",
        "post_resume": "Temporibus ut ...",
        "views_number": 70492,
        "comments_number": 80291
        "post_id": 18477,
        "title": "Debitis odio sunt laudantium aut eum aut laudantium.",
        "post_resume": "Voluptatem culpa ut dol...",
        "views_number": 23572,
        "comments_number": 80794
  • Shopping card example
    data: {
        shopId: number,
        finished: boolean,
        catId: number,
        clientId: number,
        items: {
            id: number,
            name: word,
            quantity: number,

Will generate

  "data": {
    "shopId": 56079,
    "finished": false,
    "catId": 60197,
    "clientId": 39134,
    "items": [
        "id": 94476,
        "name": "facere",
        "quantity": 85981
        "id": 14435,
        "name": "ut",
        "quantity": 45225
        "id": 52692,
        "name": "rerum",
        "quantity": 99475
  • true, false example
    valid: true,
    erros: false

Will generate

  "valid": true,
  "errors": false


We are thinking and working on adding more data types like city, uuid, date, time and the capability to add default values to the json response.


Especial thanks to faker that is used behind the scenes to generate the fake data. Also thanks to the other opensource projects.


Feel free to collaborate with this project.

Follow me

X: @rollrodrig Github: rollrodrig Youtube: RollTheCoder Instagram: rollthecoder Tiktok: @rollthecoder