Easy decoupled Django projects with OIDC Auth.
Django Unchained is a cookiecutter template for Decoupled Django projects. It is a full-stack template that includes both backend and frontend. The backend part is based on Django and the frontend is based on Nuxt or Next.js (your choice). Cookiecutter handles the project creation and configuration, secrets, and environment variables. The project is ready to run with Docker Compose and pre-configured with OIDC Auth, Unfold admin theme, and custom user model.
The main problem I encountered while decoupling Django was the authentication, while some boilerplates provide JWT Auth, I wanted to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) for authentication. As I spent a lot of time setting this, I decided to create a cookiecutter template that includes all the necessary packages and configurations to start a new project quickly.
- Cookiecutter template
- Docker Compose
- Postgenerate hooks
- Frontend choice
- Django backend
- Dockerfile
- Custom user model with email as username (Account)
- OIDC Provider Config
- Unfold Admin
- OpenAPI
- Claims
- OIDC Templates
- Next frontend
- Dockerfile
- Auth.js
- Nuxt frontend
- Dockerfile
- Auth.js
- Cookiecutter: Start a new project by just running
cookiecutter https://github.com/roicort/django-unchained.git
- Docker Compose: start both front end and backend by just running
docker-compose up --build
- Django backend: Custom django backend with Unfold Admin
- Custom user model: extended default Django user model to include additional fields
- Decoupled frontend: Nuxt and Next available (WIP)
- OIDC Auth: Pre-configured OIDC Auth with Django as Provider and Frontend-[Nuxt/Next] as RP (Client)
- Admin Theme: Unfold admin theme with user & group management
To start using django-unchained, it is needed to create a cookiecutter project from the template. After the project is created, it is possible to start the project by running docker-compose command.
cookiecutter https://github.com/roicort/django-unchained.git
- Set {{cookiecutter.project_slug}}
- Select {{cookiecutter.frontend}} [Nuxt or Next]
cd {{cookiecutter.project_slug}}
docker compose up -d --build
Then, open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
to see the front end part of the application. To access Django admin, navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/
For dependency management in Django application we are using Poetry. When starting the project through the docker-compose command, it is checked for new dependencies as well. In the case they are not installed, docker will install them before running development server.
- djangorestframework - REST API support
- django-oidc-provider - OIDC Provider
- drf-spectacular - OpenAPI schema generator
- django-unfold - Admin theme for Django admin panel
Below, you can find a command to install new dependency into backend project.
docker compose exec backend poetry add djangorestframework
For initializing the backend first run init.sh within the container
docker compose exec backend bash
bash init.sh
And create a superuser
poetry run python createsuperuser
In the case you want to locally try the OIDC login, you may add the backend to the hosts file.
sudo [vi/nano] /etc/hosts
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost backend <--- add this line
After that, when your frontend redirects you to the login page, you be able to see http://backend:8000/oidc/etc..
For the authentication, Django Unchained uses django-oidc-provider and auth.js package to provide Open ID Connect authentication. All configuration and secrets are generated by cookiecutter and set in envs.
There are two ways how to create new user account in the backend. First option is to run managed command responsible for creating superuser. It is more or less required, if you want to have an access to the Django admin. After running the command below, it will be possible to log in on the front end part of the application.
docker compose exec backend poetry run python manage.py createsuperuser
The second option how to create new user account is to register it on the front end. The Django admin provides simple registration form.
By default, Django Unchained includes and endpoint for OpenAPI schema which is available in Swagger http://localhost:8000/api/schema/swagger-ui/
or ReDOC in http://localhost:8000/api/schema/redoc/
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
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The MIT License