- Register at https://www.digitalocean.com/
- Confirm E-mail address
- Setup Credit / Debit Card and Paypal
- Create droplets
- Select a Ubuntu distribution: 14.04.4 x64
- Choose a size: 512 MB RAM / 1 CPU / 20GB SSD / 1TB Transfer [We'll try making up for the low RAM with a swap partition]
- Choose a data-center region - San Francisco (or any)
- Select Additional Options: Don't select anything
- Option 1: Add the public SSH key (add in a comment for future reference)
- Option 2: Don't add an SSH key and check email for credentials from DigitalOcean
- How many Droplets: 1 Droplet
- Create the droplet
- Head over to https://cloud.digitalocean.com/droplets [Sign-in if required]
- Make note of the IP address of the instance / droplet
- Open up a terminal on your computer and key in the following:
ssh -v root@IP-Address-Of-The-Instance
An example would be: ssh -v [email protected] - Are you sure you want to continue connecting: Yes
- At the end you should see something along the lines of:
root@ubuntu-512mb- Hurray! You have successfully logged into the remote instance. In the terminal type:
- Setup Python [https://developers.google.com/edu/python/set-up#python-on-linux-mac-os-x-etc]
- Install [pip][https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/]
- Install Fabric via pip
[In the Terminal execute:
pip install fabric (if you get a permission denied error execute: sudo pip install fabric) If you are using Anaconda execute:
conda install fabric]
- Clone / Download the repository from https://github.com/rohanarora/WoDO/archive/master.zip. Unzip it. You should see a directory WoDo-master. Navigate into the directory.
- Open the file fabfile.py and set the value of env.hosts to the IP address of the instance / droplet as seen at https://cloud.digitalocean.com/droplets. Replace the IP address keyed-in-already with the one you see at the link(retain the single quotes)
- In fabfile.py set the value of env.mysql_root_password(retain the single quotes); just like any password
- In fabfile.py set the value of env.wordpress_password just like any password(retain the single quotes). Head over to wp-config.php in the downloaded directory and change 'wordpress1' to the value set for env.wordpress_password(again retain the single quotes)
- If you have resorted to Option 2 in Setting up a Droplet set the value of env.password (retain the single quotes) in fabfile.py with the password you received in an email from Digital Ocean post creation of droplet / instance
- In the unzipped directory execute the following:
fabric live first_time_setup
If you have resorted to Option 2 in Setting up a Droplet you'll be asked to set a new Unix Password. Enter the password you received in an email from Digital Ocean post creation of droplet / instance and hit Enter. Post which you'll be asked to enter a password of your choice. Update the new password you just entered in fabfile.py's env.password (retain the single quotes) - If you are caught in a loop where-in its asking you to re-enter the password again and again hit Ctrl+C and then re-run fabric live first_time_setup
- If asked: Yes to upgrade (You'll see something along the lines of: Do you wish to upgrade...additional disk space..)
- After installing LAMP components it'll ask you to set the root password for MySQL. Enter the value you keyed in Step(3) (skip the single quotes at the beginning and end)
- To continue press the Tab key followed by space; enter the password again; tab followed by space
- Then you'll be asked enter the MySQL's root password. Enter the value / password you keyed in Step 8
- You'll be asked do you want to change the root password. We don't want to. Just type n
- Y(es) to remove anonymous users
- Y(es) to disallow root login remotely
- Y(es) to remove test database and access to it
- Y(es) to reload privileges table now
- Wait until the execution is complete (you'll see 'Done...')