HTTP Live Streaming local server for Android devices, this works making a local video server who any MediaPlayer can reproduce, in the demo this works with VitamioBundle as FFMpeg MediaPlayer Why don't use Vitamio directly? Because the custom HLS stream need cookies enabled . Why use Vitamio? that is only a demo, in theory, this can work with any mediaplayer, but testing in some Android devices tell that isn't true.
Modificacion vieja,
otraHTTP Live Streaming local server for Android devices, this works making a local video server who any MediaPlayer can reproduce, in the demo this works with VitamioBundle as FFMpeg MediaPlayer Why don't use Vitamio directly? Because the custom HLS stream need cookies enabled . Why use Vitamio? that is only a demo, in theory, this can work with any mediaplayer, but testing in some Android devices tell that isn't true.
Rama master
Rama master v2.1