This is a users management system
- java 15 installed.
- Java Ide (Intellij Prefered).
To setup this project you can follow one of the two following methods
Start by cloning project with
git clone
For this readme i'am assuming you're using intellij. Wait for Maven to resolve all the dependencies then :
This link shows you how to Lombok Intellij. Then in your project: Click Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler, Annotation Processors. Click Enable Annotation Processing Afterwards you might need to do a complete rebuild of your project via Build -> Rebuild Project.
Navigate to ProjectApplication and Run It.
Start By downloading project (.jar file) Project Drive.
Open your terminal and navigate to the folder in which you saved the project.
Run the following command :
java -jar project-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This section familiarizes you with the project's features.
The project uses Swagger ui. which contains full roadmap of the project APIs (routes + Dtos to privide (request body) + Response). Use the following link to access
It's an in memory database. To access the console use http://localhost:8080/h2-console/
then use username recruitment
and passsword 563123
(also jdbc url jdbc:h2:mem:recruitment
You can change that if you setup the project with the 1st method by changing it in
- For authentification I used jwt
- all routes are accessible without authentication except for checkToken and logout.
- /api/checkToken with "Authorization" header (Bearer token) checks the validity of a token and returns the user.
- /api/logout invalidates the token (must provide Bearer token in Authorization header).
- /api/users/find searches for users that contain the searched value in there username or email.