Small, globally unique IDs implemented in Go.
- Can be sorted by creation time
- Globally unique
- Small size (can be stored in a 64 bit integer or an 11 byte string)
- base64url encoded string format: the ids can be used in URLs
1 Bit | 32 Bit | 31 Bit |
Not used | Timestamp in seconds | Cryptographically secure random bytes |
The first bit is not used so the ID fits into 64 bit signed integers.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Generate new iid
id := iid.New()
log.Printf("buffer format: %#v", id)
// Export as base64url string
str := id.String()
log.Printf("base64 string: %s", str)
// Import the id from the string
parsed, err := iid.FromString(str)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("parsed iid from string is identical to the original: %t", reflect.DeepEqual(id, parsed))
// Export as uint64
i := id.Uint64()
log.Printf("integer: %d", i)
// Import the id from the integer
parsed = iid.FromUint64(i)
log.Printf("parsed iid from uint64 is identical to original: %t", reflect.DeepEqual(id, parsed))