Not abandoned, but temporarily dormant
A full-stack web application framework for building modern web products simply.
canvas is designed for minimalism and extensibility. Especially its documentation... (I'm working on this).
The following code samples define a web application consisting of a breakfast model, an API endpoint that serves an instance of it, and a page which contains a view that displays it.
The model and controllers (breakfast/
# Import canvas.
import canvas as cv
# Create a breakfast model.
@cv.model('breakfasts', {
'id': cv.Column('uuid', primary_key=True),
'name': cv.Column('text', nullable=False),
'ingredients': cv.Column('json')
class Breakfast:
def __init__(self, name, ingredients):, self.ingredients = name, ingredients
# Create an initialization function that cooks a breakfast if there isn't
# one already.
def cook_breakfast():
session = cv.create_session()
if not session.query(Breakfast, one=True):
breakfast = Breakfast('Bacon and Eggs', ['Bacon', 'Eggs'])
# Create an API endpoint that serves breakfast.
class BreakfastEndpoint:
def on_get(self, context):
breakfast = context.session.query(Breakfast, one=True)
return cv.create_json('success', cv.dictize(breakfast))
# Create a page that will contain our view.'/', title='Breakfast!', assets=('breakfast.js',))
class Homepage: pass
The view (assets/breakfast.jsx
// Define a breakfast view that renders on '/' and retrieves its data from
// the endpoint.'/')
data: cv.fetch('/api/breakfast'),
template: breakfast =>
<article class="col-6 breakfast">
<em>Breakfast is served...</em>
<h1>{ }</h1>
{ cv.comp(breakfast.ingredients, ingredient => <li>{ ingredient }</li>) }
class BreakfastView {
eat() {
The following setup instructions are intended for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS+.
Download and install canvas:
# Download and enter this repository.
git clone
cd canvas
# Install Python 3, Pip, Node JS, NPM, and PostgreSQL.
sudo ./etc/
# Initialize the canvas installation.
sudo -H python3 canvas --init
You can now configure canvas by editing settings.json
If you have not already created your database and user, you can run the following to do so:
python3 canvas --write-setup-sql | sudo -u postgres psql
Note: To see the complete list of command line options, simply run python3 canvas
canvas's unit tests are invoked with:
python3 canvas --test
You can start canvas's development server with:
python3 canvas --serve 80
An empty canvas instance will then be served at http://localhost
canvas web applications are implemented as one or more plugins. Plugins are
stored in a shared plugin folder (by default ../canvas_plugins
) and
activated in configuration.
To create a plugin in the configured plugin directory, run:
python3 canvas --make-plugin <plugin_name>
To activate a plugin, modify the appropriate entry of settings.json
, or run:
python3 canvas --config "plugins.activated=<plugin_name>,"