We want developers to be able to build software faster using modern tools like GraphQL, Golang, React Native without depending on commercial providers like Firebase or AWS Amplify.
Our plugins generate type-safe code between gqlgen and sqlboiler models with support for unique id's across your whole database. We can automatically generate the implementation of queries and mutations like create, update, delete based on your graphql scheme and your sqlboiler models.
Tight coupling between your database and graphql scheme is required otherwise generation will be skipped. The advantage of this program is the most when you have a database already designed. You can write extra GrapQL resolvers, and override the generated functions so you can iterate fast.
They go back to a schema first approach which we like. The generated code with these tools are the most efficient and fast in the Golang system (and probably outside of it too).
It's really amazing how fast a generated api with these techniques is!
Generate database structs with: volatiletech/sqlboiler
sqlboiler mysql --no-back-referencing
Make sure you have followed the prerequisites
Generate schema, converts and resolvers
go run convert_plugin.go
See example of convert_plugin.go
- schema.graphql based on sqlboiler structs
- converts between sqlboiler and gqlgen
- connections / edges / filtering / ordering / sorting
- three-way-merge schema re-generate
- converts between input models and sqlboiler
- understands the difference between empty and null in update input
- sqlboiler preloads from graphql context
- foreign keys and relations
- resolvers based on queries/mutations in schema
- one-to-one relationships inside input types.
- batch update/delete generation in resolvers.
- enum support (only in graphql schema right now).
- public errors in resolvers + logging via zerolog.
- overriding convert functions
- custom scope resolvers e.g userId, organizationId
- Support overriding resolvers
- Support gqlgen multiple .graphql files
- Support multiple resolvers (per schema)
- Adding automatic database migrations and integration with web-ridge/dbifier
- Crud of adding/removing relationships from many-to-many on edges
- Support more relationships inside input types
- Generate tests
- Run automatic tests in Github CI/CD in https://github.com/web-ridge/gqlgen-sqlboiler-examples
- Batch create generation in resolvers (based on code from web-ridge/contact-tracing)
Checkout our examples to see the generated schema.grapql, converts and resolvers.
func PostToGraphQL(m *models.Post) *graphql_models.Post {
if m == nil {
return nil
r := &graphql_models.Post{
ID: PostIDToGraphQL(m.ID),
Content: m.Content,
if boilergql.UintIsFilled(m.UserID) {
if m.R != nil && m.R.User != nil {
r.User = UserToGraphQL(m.R.User)
} else {
r.User = UserWithUintID(m.UserID)
if m.R != nil && m.R.Comments != nil {
r.Comments = CommentsToGraphQL(m.R.Comments)
if m.R != nil && m.R.Images != nil {
r.Images = ImagesToGraphQL(m.R.Images)
if m.R != nil && m.R.Likes != nil {
r.Likes = LikesToGraphQL(m.R.Likes)
return r
dbname: dbname
host: localhost
port: 8889
user: root
pass: root
sslmode: "false"
- notifications
- jobs
- password_resets
- migrations
column-statistics: 0
- schema.graphql
filename: graphql_models/generated.go
package: graphql_models
filename: graphql_models/genereated_models.go
package: graphql_models
filename: resolver.go
type: Resolver
model: github.com/web-ridge/utils-go/boilergql/v3.ConnectionBackwardPagination
model: github.com/web-ridge/utils-go/boilergql/v3.ConnectionForwardPagination
model: github.com/web-ridge/utils-go/boilergql/v3.ConnectionPagination
model: github.com/web-ridge/utils-go/boilergql/v3.SortDirection
Put something like the code below in file convert_plugin.go
// +build ignore
package main
import (
gbgen "github.com/web-ridge/gqlgen-sqlboiler/v3"
func main() {
output := gbgen.Config{
Directory: "helpers", // supports root or sub directories
PackageName: "helpers",
backend := gbgen.Config{
Directory: "models",
PackageName: "models",
frontend := gbgen.Config{
Directory: "graphql_models",
PackageName: "graphql_models",
if err := gbgen.SchemaWrite(gbgen.SchemaConfig{
BoilerModelDirectory: backend,
// Directives: []string{"IsAuthenticated"},
// GenerateBatchCreate: false, // Not implemented yet
GenerateMutations: true,
GenerateBatchDelete: true,
GenerateBatchUpdate: true,
}, "schema.graphql", gbgen.SchemaGenerateConfig{
MergeSchema: false, // uses three way merge to keep your customization
}); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while trying to generate schema.graphql")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
cfg, err := config.LoadConfigFromDefaultLocations()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "failed to load config", err.Error())
if err = api.Generate(cfg,
output, // directory where convert.go, convert_input.go and preload.go should live
backend, // directory where sqlboiler files are put
frontend, // directory where gqlgen models live
// UseReflectWorkaroundForSubModelFilteringInPostgresIssue25: true, // see issue #25 on GitHub
// See example for AuthorizationScopes here: https://github.com/web-ridge/gqlgen-sqlboiler-examples/blob/main/social-network/convert_plugin.go#L66
); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while trying generate resolver and converts")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
Put a file in your helpers/ directory e.g. convert_override_user.go
package helpers
import (
// use same name as in one of the generated files to override
func UserCreateInputToBoiler(
m *graphql_models.UserCreateInput,
) *models.User {
if m == nil {
return nil
originalConvert := originalUserCreateInputToBoiler(m)
// e.g. bcrypt password
return originalConvert
If you re-generate the original convert will get changed to originalUserCreateInputToBoiler which you can still use in your overridden convert.
We're the most happy with your time investments and/or pull request to improve this plugin. Feedback is also highly appreciated.
If you don't have time or knowledge to contribute and we did save you a lot of time, please consider a donation so we can invest more time in this library.