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Degeneres, the boilerplate generator for REST-like servers in Go!


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Degeneres, the boilerplate generator for REST-like servers in Go!


An example server generated with Degeneres can be seen at


Golang is a fantastic language! However, you often find yourself writing a ton of boilerplate when writing the same functionality across your multiple struct types. Degeneres was built to generate the boilerplate whenever your structs change or you require different functionality on your structs.

While gRPC (leveraging Protobuf) would handle a lot of this functionality, many developer tools and in-production systems aren't able to communicate to gRPC servers (cURL, Postman, Javascript fetch, paying business-customers, etc.) So, Degeneres leverages Protobuf definitions to generate REST-like servers with JSON serialization that majority of systems can communicate with.


First Time Usage

In one terminal, get and build the project:

go get -u -v
cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
go build

Create a protobuf file at pb/test.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package pb;

option (dg.version) = "v0.1.0";
option ( = "Ryan Smith";
option (dg.project_name) = "Test Server";
option (dg.docker_path) = "";
option (dg.import_path) = "";

service Echo {
    rpc Echo(EchoIn) returns (EchoOut) {
        option (dg.method) = "POST";

message EchoIn {
    string in = 1 [(dg.validate) = "maxLength=100", (dg.transform) = "hash"];

message EchoOut {
    string out = 1;

Generate the server code and cd to it:

./degeneres generate -f pb/test.proto -o ../test-server
cd ../test-server

You should now have complete server code:

├── Dockerfile
├── License
├── cmd
│   ├── echo.go
│   ├── root.go
│   └── version.go
├── data
│   ├── data.go
│   └── input.go
├── doc.go
├── echo
│   ├── config.go
│   ├── echoHandler.go
│   └── preServe.go
├── helpers
│   ├── handler.go
│   ├── helpers.go
│   ├── middlewares.go
│   ├── transform.go
│   ├── unmarshal.go
│   └── validate.go
├── main.go
├── pb
│   └── test.proto
├── server
│   ├── config.go
│   └── echo.go
└── vendor
    └── vendor.json

Install govendor and get vendored libraries:

go get -u -v
govendor sync

Build and start your server with debug level logging:

go build
./test-server echo --log-level debug

Open a new terminal. Send a cURL to the server. (You should get a 200 with an empty JSON response: {})

curl -d '{"in":"Hello World"}' http://localhost:8080/echo

You get an empty JSON response because the logic to go from Input -> Output is up to you. Edit the handler to fill in the Output logic

open $(go env GOPATH)/src/

And add 1 line to echo the response in EchoHandlerPOST:

echoOut.Out = echoIn.In

Now rebuild and run the server again:

cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
go build
./test-server echo --log-level debug

Send the cURL request again:

curl -d '{"in":"Hello World"}' http://localhost:8080/echo

You should get a JSON with a hashed value back!

Repeated Usage

Naturally, you'll want to update your protobuf file and regenerate.

Go to your project:

cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/

Update your protobuf file pb/test.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package pb;

option (dg.version) = "v0.1.0";
option ( = "Ryan Smith";
option (dg.project_name) = "Test Server";
option (dg.docker_path) = "";
option (dg.import_path) = "";

service Echo {
    option (dg.middleware.logger) = true;

    rpc Echo(EchoIn) returns (EchoOut) {
        option (dg.middleware.no_cache) = true;
        option (dg.method) = "POST";

message EchoIn {
    string in   = 1 [(dg.validate) = "maxLength=100", (dg.transform) = "hash"];
    int64 age   = 2;
    string name = 3;

message EchoOut {
    string out  = 1;
    int64 age   = 2;
    string name = 3;

Regenerate the code:

go generate

Update the handler to go from Input -> Ouput

open $(go env GOPATH)/src/

Rebuild and run

go build
./test-server echo --log-level debug

Send a cURL

curl -d '{"in":"Hello World","age":88,"name":"Darf"}' http://localhost:8080/echo

Should be all good to go!


Degeneres generates boilerplate so you don't have to. It handles some field level validations & transformations and has some useful HTTP middleware. You can also generate self-signed certs.


Validations have the Protobuf field level option syntax:

string first_name = 1 [(dg.validate) = "minLength=2,maxLength=100"];

String Validations:

Validation Usage Example Description
Max Length maxLength=VALUE maxLength=100 Fails if len(input) > maxLength
Min Length minLength=VALUE minLength=2 Fails if len(input) > maxLength
Must Have Chars mustHaveChars=VALUE mustHaveChars=aeiou Fails if chars in VALUE are not in input
Can't Have Chars cantHaveChars=VALUE cantHaveChars=aeiou Fails if chars in VALUE are in input
Only Have Chars onlyHaveChars=VALUE onlyHaveChars=aeiou Fails if input has chars not in VALUE

Float and Int Validations:

Validation Usage Example Description
Greater Than greaterThan=VALUE greaterThan=100 Fails if input < VALUE
Less Than lessThan=VALUE lessThan=100 Fails if input > VALUE


Transformations have the Protobuf field level option syntax:

string first_name = 1 [(dg.transform) = "truncate=50,hash"];

And can be combined with other options:

string first_name = 1 [(dg.validate) = "maxLength=100", (dg.transform) = "truncate=50,hash"];

General Trasformation:

Transformation Usage Example Description
Default default=VALUE default=Darf Sets input as VALUE if input is nil

String Transformations:

Transformation Usage Example Description
Hash hash hash Essentially hexEncode(sha256(input))
Encrypt encrypt encrypt aesgcm.Seal (DONT USE DEFAULT VALUES OR SCHEME IN PRODUCTION!)
Decrypt decrypt decrypt aesgcm.Open (DONT USE DEFAULT VALUES OR SCHEME IN PRODUCTION!)
Trim Chars trimChars=VALUE trimChars=xx Uses strings.Trim(input, VALUE)
Trim Space trimSpace trimSpace Uses strings.TrimSpace(input)
Truncate truncate=VALUE truncate=50 Essentially input[:VALUE]
Password Hash passwordHash passwordHash argon2 password hashing (PLEASE INSPECT CODE THOROUGHLY)


Middleware can be added as service or rpc options.

option (dg.middleware.no_cache) = true;
Middleware Usage Description
Logger dg.middleware.logger Logs the time for each request
CORS dg.middleware.cors Adds CORS headers if option ( is added
Secure Does TLS Redirect & adds HSTS, XSS Protection, Nosniff, Frame deny headers
No Cache dg.middleware.no_cache Adds no cache headers

Self-Signed Keys

./degeneres generate certs


  • Server generation for Golang only
  • Less performant than gRPC (JSON vs Protobuf)


  • Fix lexer to include repeated
  • Move data to different dir
  • Identify if message is input & create inputP
  • Continue refactoring templates
  • Check for required tag first then continue in order
  • Use a logging package
  • Use default Options method
  • Convert generator warnings to errors
  • CORS middleware
  • Check true/false on middleware
  • Vendoring in generated code
  • More middleware: hsts, ssl redirect, xss protection, method logging
  • Add Catch-all, root handler with debug "path not found"
  • go generate to self regen generated code
  • Copy proto file into generated project
  • Pull handlers into separate package for easier regen
  • Generator validation on types to handle duplication infile and across imports
  • More docs
  • Docs to show all options
  • More examples
  • Generate unit tests for helpers
  • Generate server tests
  • Add validator to only accept fields in message
  • Example repo in github
  • Expvar
  • DB connection example (inversion of control)
  • Docker compose
  • Workout kinks in workflow


Degeneres, the boilerplate generator for REST-like servers in Go!








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