v0.3.0 2021-8-7
Networking components
- ecs_tcp: components for sending/receiving data over sockets with windows IOCP.
- ecs_http: components for using the HTTP protocol with ecs_tcp.
- ecs_jsonrpc: components for serving remote procedure calls with JSON over ecs_http.
- ecs_gridmap: a grid based spatial mapping component.
- chipmunkballpit: uses Chipmunk2D to simulate the physics of 5,000 entities.
- jsonrpc_ecsinfo: reports entities and their components via HTTP JSON RPC.
- particledemo: simulate 250K particles interacting with the mouse.
- particlelife: animates particles with a simple rule to create organic looking structures.
- spaceshooter: a simple top down 2D shooter with ecs_opengl and SDL2.
- simplewebsite: a web server built from the networking components.