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Golang NZB Library

NOTE: this package takes a NZB for processing, but also provides Save(file string) and Load(file string) functions. These functions however do not write the NZB back as XML but as JSON; and the data will also include more information than the original NZB.

NOTE: This library also fixes a common NZB download problem. Currently it happens a lot that there are escaped/special characters within the NZB article ID name. This is due to the fact that NZB is XML, and gets escaped automatically when the NZB is generated by tools like PowerPost. Without unescaping it, you will receive a NNTP 430 Article not found while the article is actually present on the server. This is automatically fixed within the library on parsing.

NOTE: Implementation which uses this NZB Verify


go get

NZB Structure after parsing


  • Size (Total size of the content in bytes (int))
  • FileSets []Fileset (NZB may contain multiple filesets)
    • Name string
    • ParSet *ParSet
      • Parent *File (This is the parent *.par2 file)
      • TotalBlocks int Total amount of par2 repair blocks
      • Size (Total size of the ParSet (int))
      • Files []*ParFile (Contains all the *.vol###.par2 repair files)
        • A ParFile is *File, extended with the number of par blocks
    • Size (Total size of the FileSet)
    • Files []*File (All the files of the fileset)
      • Filename string
      • Size (Size of the file in bytes (int))
      • Poster string
      • Date int
      • Subject *Subject
      • Groups []strinng (NNTP Groups in which the file was posted)
      • Segments []*Segment (All the NNTP Article(s) which make up a file)
        • ID string (NNTP Article ID)
        • Number int (Number of segment within the File)
        • Bytes int (The size of the segment in bytes)
        • Exists bool

Exists is special addition, I use it in combination when saving and loading because with the NNTP STAT % command it is possible to check for the existence of a article on the NNTP server before fetching the body this can be used to quickly verify if a download is completly available. Project which uses this 'NZB Verify'

type NZB struct {
    Size        Size        `json:"Size"`
    FileSets    []*FileSet  `json:"FileSets"`

// FileSet .
type FileSet struct {
    Name        string      `json:"Name"`
    ParSet      *ParSet     `json:"ParSet"`
    Files       []*File     `json:"Files"`
    Size        Size        `json:"Size"`

// File .
type File struct {
    Filename    string      `json:"Filename"`
    Size        Size        `json:"Size"`

    // XML
    Poster      string      `xml:"poster,attr" json:"Poster"`
    Date        int         `xml:"date,attr" json:"Date"`
    Subject     Subject     `xml:"subject,attr"`

    Groups      []string    `xml:"groups>group" json:"Groups"`
    Segments    []*Segment  `xml:"segments>segment" json:"Subject"`

// ParSet .
type ParSet struct {
    Parent      *File       `json:"Parent"`
    TotalBlocks int         `json:"TotalBlocks"`
    Files       []*ParFile  `json:"Files"`
    Size        Size        `json:"Size"`

// ParFile .
type ParFile struct {
    Blocks      int         `json:"Blocks"`

// Segment of File in NZB
type Segment struct {
    ID      string          `xml:",innerxml" json:"ID"`
    Number  int             `xml:"number,attr" json:"Number"`
    Bytes   int             `xml:"bytes,attr" json:"Bytes"`
    Exists  bool            `json:"Exists"`

// Size .
type Size uint64

// Subject of NZB File
type Subject string

Type Size

Size is a custom type which implements the fmt.Stringer interface, Size.String() will print the Size in human format like 372.12 MB

Type Subject

Subject holder the following helper functions, see comments for more information

ExtractFilename() (string, error)
ExtractPartNumber() (int, error)
ExtractTotalParts() (int, error)
ExtractYEncPartNumber() (int, error)
ExtractYEncTotalParts() (int, error)

Chunks & Chunk

Looping over an NZB to download each segment after each other is not every efficient. Therefor this library provides a nice helper for download work. One of the reasons is that the NNTP Groups to which a file is posted is located within the NZB under it's corresponding file. But when downloading a article you must also know the groups; because you need to be able to issue the NNTP ``GROUP %``` command to search for each Article. The structure of a NZB is based upon generation when posting, not downloading.

Solution: My personal favorite is generating a Chunks list of what need to be downloaded, then Detach the NZB pointer from memory, and only reload it from a JSON file (this is faster and more memory efficient) when I need to process all downloaded parts.

A Chunk is a downloadable part from a NZB with all required information. This will probably be updated and extended over time.

type Chunk struct {
    Groups []string
    Segment *Segment

As you can see, it contains the memory pointer to a segment of the NZB and has the required Groups with it so you can easily perform the NNTP GROUP % command, and then fetch the article.

Chunks is nothing more than an array of Chunk with some private functions to aid in the generation process of the the array.

// Chunks list of all chunks within NZB
type Chunks struct {
    c       []*Chunk
    mu      *sync.Mutex
    Total   int
    Marker  int

Chunks also provides a Marker and Total which can be used to calculate the progress of the entire NZB download.

The Chunks array is generated with the GenerateChunkList() *Chunks function on the *NZB object. NOTE: The order of the Chunks list is different than that of the NZB, as a nice helper towards download clients, the chunk list is build according to the following schematic. []FileSet

  • *.par2 parent file
  • FileSet files
  • Par2 voolume repair Files

This will ensure that the download client will first fetch the parent par2, then the files of the FileSet en afterwards the par2 repair volumes. In the future this will be updated so it's possible to exclude the par2 volumes from the Chunks list so you can download the par2 parent, the FileSet, then repair and check how many par2 repair blocks are missing. And then generate a Chunks list with all the *Segments which holds the par2 files with the required repair blocks. (Work in process :-))


To create a NZB object you have to use the Parse(r io.Reader) function which takes an io.Reader

Example Parsing

import (

nFile, err := os.Open("test.nzb")
defer nFile.Close()
if err != nil {

fmt.Printf("Parsing NZB...")
n, err := nzb.Parse(nFile)
if err != nil {

Example Chunks

// Generate a Chunks list for downloading
chunks := n.GenerateChunkList()

If you want to get the first / next chunk from the chunk list you can use the following this will also automatically update the marker

c := chunks.GetNext()

When you are using a ConnectionPool to a NNTP server with multiple connections for example 30 connections to a single server and you communicate with channels the following helper function generates a list of chunks which can be send to the worker queue (Yes I have this all working, just need the time to upload it) The additional + 10 I used to make sure my workerQueue is filled up. See working programm @ NZB Verify

cList := chunks.GetChunks(maxConnections + 10)

Example for Dummies (Loop the files with the NZB NZB)

// Loop over the FileSet(s) within the NZB
for _, fs := range n.FileSets {

    // Loop over ParSet Files
    for _, ps := range fs.ParSet.Files {
        // ps == *ParFile
        // Loop over the segments for each file
        for _, s := range ps.Segments {
            // s == *Segment
    // Loop Files within the FileSet
    for _, f := range fs.Files {
        // f == *File
        // Loop over the segments for each file
        for _, s := range f.Segments {
            // s == *Segment

// Enjoy


Golang NZB Library







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