This project is written to allow players to play rock, paper and scissors against computer. It is an assignment that is provided from Craft Academy as a take home project for tech interview.
As a user
In order to play the game
I want to be able to input my name and have my name displayed on the app
As a user
In order to play the game
I want to be able to choose rock, paper or scissors
As a user
In order to play the game
I want to be able to choose different levels of game
As a user
In order to keep track of my play records
I want to be able to see my data on the app
- Radar
- Configuring a Radar Chart w/Chart.js
- BeginAtZero and stepsize not working on radar chart
- JavaScript Random
- To write test for validating statistic data
- To add levels to the game to have Beginner, Advanced and Expert levels.
This project is licensed under the MIT License