Midcourse Project October 2020
Deployed on Netlify
This is a web application, written with React and employed Movie Database as an external API for movie data, that provides visitors with an ability to see the latest popular movies. Futhermore, visitors can subscribe to be able to search for their favorite movies.
As a Visitor
In order to be intrigued and want to become a logged in or paying user
I want to see a nice collection of movies
As a Visitor
In order to access great content
I want to click on a Sign-up button and access a form and from there sign up
As a Signed Up User
In order to find movies more easily
I would like to be able to search for movies
Clone this repository Flixcloud
yarn start
- React
- React-redux
- Semantic-UI
- Stripe
- Axios
- React 17.0.1
- Cypress 4.1.0
- Craft Academy Course Materials
- Team members
- Coaches
- The cats
- Cypress Documentation
- Stripe
- React-Redux Documentation
- Implements save to favorite feature for subscribers
- Impletment category feature
- Implements better UI and UX design
- Implements Login/Logout features
This project is licensed under the MIT License