Version 1.2.0
- Added an option to delete a playlist along with all songs inside it from the game.
- Added support for key only playlists (such as ones from To see the songs in these playlists, click on the download button.
- Updated the look of the download/delete/info buttons. Hovering over the download button tells you how many songs are needed to download and the button is disabled if you own all songs.
- Added support for using ReadOnly playlists.
- Added a toggle for easter eggs.
- Fixed a bug where removing one song from a playlist would mess up the rest of the playlist #29
- Fixed a rare bug where the game would crash due to invalid file permissions
- Cover images are now straight instead of slanted in the cover image selection view
- Fixed a bug where clicking on a folder too quickly in the add to playlist view could show playlists from the previous folder
- Fixed a bug where clicking on Go To Playlist in MorePlaylists does not show the cover of the playlist
Special Thanks:
- OoDeeR, Meivyn, Pitatochu and Kinsi for bug reports
- Meivyn and Kinsi for feature requests
- Goobie and Eris for helping me set up Continuous Integration