This repository are intended for learning purpose only. Simple chat server built using Ratchet PHP. The goal of this application are building simple chat server which has the following feature.
- Broadcast message
- Private message
- Who's online
It does not have client application. To connect to the server you can use Telnet or Netcat or similar tools.
First is to clone this repository.
$ git clone
Next is to install all dependencies required by chat server using Composer.
$ cd simple-chat-server-ratchet-php
$ composer install -vvv
To start the server you can execute a script on ./bin directory.
$ php ./bin/chat-server.php
Chat server running on
Now open another terminal and try to connect to port 9191. On this example I'm using nc (Netcat) on MacOS. If you're using Linux or Windows you can also use telnet to connect to server.
$ nc localhost 9191
Welcome to the Club - Enjoy your chat!
List of commands:
/nick NICKNAME Register a nickname
/msg MESSAGE Send a message to all
/pm NICKNAME MESSAGE Send private message
/users Get list of online users
/help Show this message
/quit Quit chat club
To begin chatting you need to set your nickname first.
/nick rio123
SUCCESS: Your nickname has changed to rio123.
Now you can try to open other terminal and try to send message to each other.