You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 94
This flow is recommended when you only need access to public Spotify data. It cannot be used to access or manage a user's private data.
final credentials = SpotifyApiCredentials(clientId, clientSecret);
final spotify = SpotifyApi(credentials);
This flow is suitable for long-running applications when you need to access or manage a user's private data. The Authorization Code Flow is a complex process, so it's highly recommended to read through [Spotify's Authorization Guide][spotify_auth] before attempting. Note that this package simplifies the creation of the authorization URI and the process of requesting tokens after receiving an authorization code.
final credentials = SpotifyApiCredentials(clientId, clientSecret);
final grant = SpotifyApi.authorizationCodeGrant(credentials);
// The URI to redirect to after the user grants or denies permission. It must
// be in your Spotify application's Redirect URI whitelist. This URI can
// either be a web address pointing to an authorization server or a fabricated
// URI that allows the client device to function as an authorization server.
final redirectUri = 'https://example.com/auth';
// See https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/scopes/
// for a complete list of these Spotify authorization permissions. If no
// scopes are specified, only public Spotify information will be available.
final scopes = [AuthorizationScope.user.readEmail, AuthorizationScope.library.read];
final authUri = grant.getAuthorizationUrl(
scopes: scopes, // scopes are optional
// `redirect` is an imaginary function that redirects the resource owner's
// browser to the `authUri` on the authorization server. Once the resource
// owner has authorized, they'll be redirected to the `redirectUri` with an
// authorization code. The exact implementation varies across platforms.
await redirect(authUri);
// `listen` is another imaginary function that listens for a request to
// `redirectUri` after the user grants or denies permission. Again, the
// exact implementation varies across platforms.
final responseUri = await listen(redirectUri);
final spotify = SpotifyApi.fromAuthCodeGrant(grant, responseUri);
Click here to learn how to implement the imaginary functions mentioned above.
Unfortunately, there's not a universal example for implementing the imaginary functions, redirect
and listen
, because different options exist for each platform.
For Flutter apps, there's two popular approaches:
Launch a browser using [url_launcher][] and listen for a redirect using [uni_links][].
if (await canLaunch(authUri)) { await launch(authUri); } ... final linksStream = getLinksStream().listen((String link) async { if (link.startsWith(redirectUri)) { responseUri = link; } });
Launch a WebView inside the app and listen for a redirect using [webview_flutter][].
WebView( javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted, initialUrl: authUri, navigationDelegate: (navReq) { if (navReq.url.startsWith(redirectUri)) { responseUri = navReq.url; return NavigationDecision.prevent; } return NavigationDecision.navigate; }, ... );
For Dart apps, the best approach depends on the available options for accessing a browser. In general, you'll need to launch the authorization URI through the client's browser and listen for the redirect URI.
When using the Authorization Code Flow where the client requests a code and is exchanged on the server for the access token and refresh token, a custom client needs to be instantiated to handle the refreshing (as there is no client secret present within the application).
In this flow, you will have to manually save the user's access token and refresh token somewhere (secure storage on device or serverside).
import 'package:oauth2/oauth2.dart' as oauth2;
// starting with an accesstoken and/or refresh token
var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials(YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
tokenEndpoint: Uri.parse('https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token')
var client = new oauth2.Client(credentials,
var spotify = new SpotifyApi.fromClient(client);
Where you replace:
: The User's saved access token (even if expired) -
: Cached refresh token -
: The client identifier of your application
No one wants to redo the Authorization Code Flow for every login or app start. If you save your credentials somewhere while authenticated, you can reconnect to Spotify later by passing those credentials into the constructor. If the access token is expired at this point, the credentials will be automatically refreshed. If the refresh token has been revoked for any reason, an exception will be thrown and you'll need to reauthenticate through another flow.
// Connect to Spotify using the Authorization Code Flow
final spotify = SpotifyApi(...);
// Save the credentials somewhere (local storage, database etc.)
// Retrieve the saved credentials and use them to connect to Spotify
final credentials = someService.retrieveCredentials();
// All of these fields are required for the Saved Credentials Flow
final spotifyCredentials = SpotifyApiCredentials(
accessToken: credentials.accessToken,
refreshToken: credentials.refreshToken,
scopes: credentials.scopes,
expiration: credentials.expiration,
final spotify = SpotifyApi(spotifyCredentials);
//The refresh token can be used to obtain just one access token. After token retrieval, a new refresh token is provided.
If, for any reason, you are planning to leave the app open in the background for a very long time and access Spotify's API with variable intervals, spotify-dart will automatically refresh the token if it's expired and updates you with the new credentials (in particular you need the new refresh token) by using the following methods.
SpotifyApi api = SpotifyApi(spotifyCredentials, onCredentialsRefreshed: (SpotifyApiCredentials newCred) async {
await _saveCredentials(newCred);
print("Saved from oauth" + newCred.refreshToken);
In case you already have a valid access token and you don't need to complete any of the above flows you can use this constructor.
var spotify = SpotifyApi.withAccessToken(accessToken);
In that case, you are responsible of refreshing and updating the token accordingly.