This is a modified version of the Flthy Holoprojectors v1.8 sketch by Ryan Sondgeroth (aka FlthyMcNsty). The original code can be found here:
The modification is to add support for the Adafruit OLED Breakout Board 16-bit Color 0.96" w/microSD.
I've included 3 movie files:
You can find assembly instructions over on Astromech:
The RGBW versions look to be compatible in size
Window Film One Way mirror (non-adhesive)
You can put the rest on your windows :-)
Any kind of clear acrylic adhesive. I use Weld-On but I'm sure other types work just as well
3mm sheet of clear acrylic for laser cutting
Arduino Mega or Mega Mini
If you decide to use Mega Mini make sure you get the 5V version.
Note that the Mega Mini pinout for the TTL is not standard so you'll need to run jumpers. I ended up using this TTL USB
Crimp ends and crimpers for the slip ring.
Heat shrink tubing and some wire wrap for the finishing touch