String-based parser based on matching strings for interpreting and handling string-based interfaces (like GSM-modem AT commands)
With clib:
clib install rikvdh/matching
#include "matching.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static struct matching_ctx ctx;
static char ctx_linebuffer[256];
static void matching_cb_match_ko(struct matching_ctx *ctx)
printf("Matched on 'TEST'\n");
static const struct matching_item matching_items[] = {
{ MATCHING_ITEM_STR("TEST"), 0, match_cb }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ctx.cfg.reset_chars = "\n";
za_buffer_init(&ctx.linebuffer, ctx_linebuffer, sizeof(ctx_linebuffer));
ctx.items.list = matching_items;
ctx.items.n = sizeof(matching_items)/sizeof(matching_items[0]);
ctx.items.state = matching_items_state;
matching_feed(&ctx, 'T', true);
matching_feed(&ctx, 'E', true);
matching_feed(&ctx, 'S', true);
matching_feed(&ctx, 'T', true);
matching_feed(&ctx, '\n', true);
return 0;