This library (fat32lib.NET) is a port of the library fat32lib obtained from
which itself is a modified version of the library fat32-lib obtained from
which is, according to its README, originally based on the FAT file system driver included in the JNode operating system
Class structure (under the root namespace FAT32Lib
) has been preserved.
C# naming conventions have been adhered to (Pascal case for methods, prefixing interface names with "I").
Usage of some classes have been converted to .NET (near) counterparts. E.g. ByteBuffer
> MemoryStream
, IllegalStateException
> InvalidOperationException
was changed to a class with static readonly objects (derived from FatType
, and BASE_FAT32
Javadoc comments have been converted to XML-style C# documentation.
Normal comments have been preserved.
A sample basic extraction program can be found at src/FAT32Lib/FAT32Lib.Test