For a better experience, please use the generic-CLI, a easy to use generic-technology manager.
The Makefile that can be configured in under 30 seconds and adapts to almost all your C and C++ projects!
Intended for C and C++ under GNU/Linux.
This Makefile supports:
- Fully autonomous configuration except basic directories.
- automatic dynamic linking.
- Automatic directories generation.
- Transparent googletest integration.
- gdb
So you don't have to make yours or configure another one for more than 30 seconds.
use the generic-CLI.
Clone the repository
git clone
install the generic-CLI with the installation script
cd generic-CLI ./
install the generic-makefile in your project directory!
cd <project directory> generic-cli -c makefile
one line instalation command (for the first time only) then use the generic-cli utility
git clone && cd generic-CLI && sudo chmod +x ./ && ./ && generic-cli -c gmf
Clone the repository in your project directory
git clone
Remove the .git of this repository
Remove the .gitignore, all the example folders if you want
rm -rf .git .gitignore example gtests
Move the license and readme to the make-files folder (the license is required to remain in the project)
mv ./*.md ./make-files/
Move all the all the remaining content of the generic-makefile directory to your project directory
mv ./* ./../
Configure the variables in the Makefile file
optional step: if you want googletest, clone it into the make-files directory and remove the .git
cd make-files git clone cd googletest rm -rf .git
apply the new configuration to the make-files/Makefile
make config
hit make and enjoy!
- make config applies the new configuration to make-files/Makefile
- make It builds the project and executes the binary (by default).
- make run executes the binary.
- make googletest It builds and executes (by default) the tests for the project.
- make clean cleanup of the project temporal files.
- make gdb fresh gdb compilation and execution (by default).
variable | definition | restrictions |
SRC_DIR | Source directory | Is a directory |
GTEST_DIR | googletest directory as in | Is a directory |
OUTPUT_DIR | Directory where the binary will reside | Is a directory |
EXTRA_LIB_DIR | Directory for extra external libraries | Is a directory |
TMP_DIR | Temporal directory for objects and libraries | Is a directory |
SRC_CODE_EXT | Extension for the source code | Is an extension |
SRC_HEADERS_EXT | Extension for the source headers | Is an extension |
MAIN_FILE | The file where the main resides, there is no need for the full path, just the filename and the extension is enough | Is an existing filename |
EXCLUDED_FILES | excluded files from the project as a regular expression, various expressions are allowed, and must be separated by spaces | |
BIN_NAME | The name the binary will receive | |
BIN_ARGUMENTS | The arguments the binary will be executed with (if executed with the Makefile) | |
CXX | The compiler | [gcc/g++] |
CXXFLAGS | The compilation flags | '-' or '--' is needed |
EXECUTE_AFTER_COMPILATION | Option for executing of the binary file after the compilation | [YES/NO] |
ALLOW_FOR_GDB | Activates the GNU debugger | [YES/NO] |
Licensed under the BSD-3 licence
Q: I have just cloned a repository with the generic-makefile, but the googletest is not working, what do I do?
R: just use the generic-CLI utility, in the project directory, type the command
generic-cli -c make
When ask if you want googletest, say yes.