Light-weight immutability helpers that works great together with Redux.
The API of this library is inspired by Immutable JS, which is a great library to enforce immutability in your Javascript code.
Immutable-light provides a set of helper functions that will return new references for you where you'll need them. Example:
import { shiftIn } from 'immutable-light';
const obj = {
inner: {
arr: [1, 2, 3]
inner2: {}
const newObj = shiftIn(obj, 'inner.arr');
console.log(newObj.inner.arr); // [2, 3]
console.log(obj === newObj); // false
console.log(obj.inner === newObj.inner); // false
console.log(obj.inner.arr === newObj.inner.arr); // false
console.log(obj.inner2 === newObj.inner2); // true
This means the library will keep references where it can, so keep in mind to not manipulate values in returned objects (someting that should be avoided nonetheless if using the library within a Redux reducer).
It's recommended to use the library togehter with the no-param-reassign ESLint rule.
Install with
npm install --save immutable-light
yarn add immutable-light
Use by including relevant functions
import { pushIn, spliceIn, mergeIn } from 'immutable-light';
See API Referencce
This library would typically be used in reducers to simplify value manipulating operations. An example:
import { setIn, pushIn, spliceIn } from 'immutable-light';
const initialState = {
todos: []
export default function todoApp(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD_TODO:
return pushIn(state, 'todos', action.todo);
const idx = state.todos.filter(todo => ===[0];
return setIn(state, ['todos', idx], action.todo);
const idx = state.todos.filter(todo => ===[0];
return spliceIn(state, 'todos', idx, 1);
return state;
Fork the repository and checkout the clone with:
git clone [email protected]:myusername/immutable-light.git
To install dependencies, navigate to the directory in your shell and run:
npm install
# or if using yarn (recommended):
Run the following command to build:
npm run build
Test your changes by running:
npm run test
When making Pull Requests, provide some information about your code solves (bugfix / missing feature / docs fix etc.). Be sure to include relevant tests / documentation. Thanks :-)