React Native Resegmented Control is a fully customizable, declarative component that mimics the design of UISegmentedControl
from iOS 13. Supported on iOS and Android.
We wanted to use the new segmented control in our app, but there are a few issues with the native component SegmentedControlIOS
- The new design is only available on iOS 13 and above - say bye to app support for older versions.
- The component is not fully customizable.
- There is no equivalent component for Android - boo.
Why not use one of the other existing libaries? While any of the other libraries would do the job, none of them comes with the new iOS 13 design out of the box. We really wanted the fancy slider animation. 😎
1. First install the library from npm using yarn or npm
yarn add react-native-resegmented-control
2. Install additional dependencies
yarn add react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated
3a. (Pre 0.59 RN) Link the native modules
react-native link react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated
3b. (Post 0.60 RN) Install the Pods
pod install
import { SegmentedControl, Segment } from 'react-native-resegmented-control';
onChangeValue={(name: string) => setSelectedSegment(name)}
<Segment name="one" content="One" />
<Segment name="two" content="Two" />
Color of the active content.
Type | Required | Default |
string | No | #000000 |
Disable the segmented control.
Type | Required | Default |
boolean | No | false |
Style of the disabled segmented control. Uses the same styles as a View
Type | Required | Default |
ViewStyle | No | { opacity: 0.5 } |
Color of the inactive content.
Type | Required | Default |
string | No | #000000 |
Name of the segment to initially select.
Type | Required |
string | No |
Callback that is called when the user taps a segment. Passes the name
of the Segment
as an argument.
Type | Required |
function | No |
function onChangeValue(name: string): void {}
Style of the slider. Uses the same styles as a View
Type | Required |
ViewStyle | No |
Style of the segmented control. Uses the same styles as a View
Type | Required |
ViewStyle | No |
Element for the segment.
Type | Required | Props |
Element, Function | Yes | active , activeTintColor , disabled , inactiveTintColor |
Disable the segment.
Type | Required | Default |
boolean | No | false |
Style of the disabled segment. Uses the same styles as a View
Type | Required | Default |
ViewStyle | No | { opacity: 0.5 } |
Unique name used to identify each segment.
Type | Required |
string | Yes |
Style of the segment. Uses the same styles as a View
Type | Required |
ViewStyle | No |
This package relies on react-native-reanimated
When rendering this component with renderers such as Jest you may see this error:
● Test suite failed to run
Invariant Violation: Native module cannot be null.
at invariant (node_modules/invariant/invariant.js:40:15)
at new NativeEventEmitter (node_modules/react-native/Libraries/EventEmit
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-native-reanimated/src/Reanimat
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-native-reanimated/src/core/Ani
To get around this you can use the react-native-reanimated mock. Here is how to in Jest:
In your test file add this:
jest.mock('react-native-reanimated', () =>
- More customizable options
- Pixel perfect to native design